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작성이: mrsjohnson0317

Caramelized Brussels Sprouts

Brussel sprout haters will be sure to change their mind after enjoying this fantastic dish.



  1. Cut off the brown ends of the brussels sprouts and pull off any yellow outer leaves. Cut them in half. Slice a medium onion in to long strips.
  2. Coat the bottom of your skillet with olive oil and set on medium-high heat.
  3. Add onions and brussels sprouts and stir. Make sure to coat as much of the vegetables as possible. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Garlic is great in this as well.
  4. Constantly stir sprouts and onions to avoid burning.
  5. Brussels sprouts will wilt and leaves will turn black and brown this is a good thing.
  6. Continue to cook and stir veggies until onions are clear and sprouts are soft.
  7. Serve hot. No butter needed!
1448분 회원님들께서 이 요리법을 요리책에 추가하셨습니다.

winner! so delicious!
user vote
2020년 11월 18일 작성이: ericaemmel
I chop up my brussels sprouts in the food processor. They cook faster, brown more, and my family--former haters--love them!
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2019년 08월 7일 작성이: katharsiss
I absolutely loved this recipe! Even my husband, who hates brussels sprouts, said they were tolerable to eat this way! Major victory!! I will definitely be throwing this recipe into the mix. Next time, I would like to try a little bit of Mrs. Dash too.
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2016년 01월 16일 작성이: swray417
I really enjoy making and eating this dish. One thing I do a little differently is, I place all the sprouts in the pan flat (cut) side down then put a lid on and cook them that way. The flat part gets nice and crispy. Leaving a lid on helps soften the rest of the sprout. I hated sprouts until I found this method of cooking them.
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2014년 04월 9일 작성이: bigbassbrent
The best way I find to eat Brussels sprouts is roasting and I've done it a couple of ways with olive oil and vanilla bean and the other olive oil with a onion and a little panchetta (?spell) they get crispy not mushy and delish but that is THE only way I will eat them lol
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2013년 10월 22일 작성이: Sjwildes
Brussels sprouts are also good on the grill
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2013년 07월 25일 작성이: Flavas
This is one of my favorite veggie recipes ever - I actually never tried it with onion before, will give it a shot. I also use way less olive oil (just enough to moisten the sprouts) - but that's just my personal taste :)
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2013년 06월 13일 작성이: Tamaralynn0480
Absolutely yes! just go a little lighter on the oil. You can "oil masssage" with hands to coat and cover and use less oil in pan. A cast iron works well. I would use the oven as someone suggested. Maybe cook the onions separate & add in later.
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2013년 03월 25일 작성이: Miss Julia
Very quick to make and flavorful, this is a keeper!
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2013년 03월 13일 작성이: RavenSoul69
It sounds very good-something I will try.
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2013년 02월 8일 작성이: fluffy0323
33중 1에서 10 다음


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영양 요약:

Caramelized Brussels Sprouts의 1인분에는 131칼로리가 있습니다.
칼로리 분석: 67% 지방, 26% 탄수화물, 7% 단백질.

영양 정보
서빙 사이즈
서브 당
서브 당
548 kJ
131 kcal
불포화 지방
(131 cal)
7% 일일권장
칼로리 분석:
탄수화물 (26%)
지방 (67%)
단백질 (7%)
*일일권장에 따른 2000칼로리

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