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No Sugar Oatmeal Apple Muffins

Tantalizing low GI muffins with plenty of goodness but no added sugar.



  1. Pre-heat oven to 400 °F (200 °C).
  2. In a food processor, whirl flax seeds with warm water until you have a "gooey mess".
  3. Add milk and vegetable oil and give it another spin to mix with the flaxseed.
  4. Combine dry ingredients; flour, oats, salt, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, sweetener (like Stevia) and walnuts, in a large mixing bowl.
  5. Slowly stir the wet ingredients into the dry. Fold in the chopped apple.
  6. Fill muffin cups 1/2-3/4 full with batter. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.
  7. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
770분 회원님들께서 이 요리법을 요리책에 추가하셨습니다.

I’d like to try this recipe, but I don’t have a food processor. Is there any other way to process the flax seeds? It sounds really 😋
user vote
2022년 10월 1일 작성이: Leslie James
I just eat plain oatmeal with cinnamon and some shredded apple I'm sure your muffins are yummy. too many calories and the imitation sugar triggers hunger
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2015년 11월 21일 작성이: line cook
not for me as I am counting my carbs and calories. started Aug 29 Wt. @ 171 and am down to 146.5 as of today. Goal is 140 (maybe try to 135)
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2014년 12월 14일 작성이: janiceringland
@NoSugarGoal It seems that you might be a little confused on what glycemic load and what the glycemic index is for. What you're describing is a carb-free diet and not a "sugar-free" diet. This recipe is fine for people wanting a low GI food, granted I wouldn't pound them down every day if you're trying to lose fat. Maybe once a week. In addition to the oats and apple, both low GI foods, you also have the almond milk, which the fat will also slow down digestion and not cause insulin spikes.
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2014년 05월 3일 작성이: Chrisjust98
I don't want to rain on your parade, but this is not a sugar free recipe. Remember, many items have sugar in them and carbs turn into sugar in the body! 87g of carbs in 1 cup of whole wheat flour. 19g of carbs in a medium apple... and 14g of sugar in a medium apple. Also, almond milk is high in sugar unless you use the unsweetened almond milk. I sought out this web-site because I am finding it quite impossible to go on a true "sugar-free" diet. Still trying :)
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2014년 03월 4일 작성이: NoSugarGoal
They were real good. will make them a lot.
user vote
2012년 08월 9일 작성이: junehenderson8
I used macadamia nut oil instead of vegetable. Adds healthier fats than the vegetable or canola oil. Also gives a hint of butteriness.
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2012년 08월 3일 작성이: sammy33418
The directions call for walnuts but the ingredient list does not call for them. If you add them just beware of your nutritional content difference.
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2011년 07월 15일 작성이: HealthyBabs
3pts for 1 muffin, not bad. Seems that I wouldn't be full on that alone. Paired with something for 1 or 2pts could make for a filling breakfast.
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2011년 06월 24일 작성이: gmc74
count as 3ppv
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2011년 06월 6일 작성이: heponderosa


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영양 요약:

No Sugar Oatmeal Apple Muffins의 1인분에는 120칼로리가 있습니다.
칼로리 분석: 42% 지방, 49% 탄수화물, 9% 단백질.

영양 정보
서빙 사이즈
서브 당
서브 당
501 kJ
120 kcal
트랜스 지방
불포화 지방
(120 cal)
6% 일일권장
칼로리 분석:
탄수화물 (49%)
지방 (42%)
단백질 (9%)
*일일권장에 따른 2000칼로리

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