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작성이: sararay

Cheesy Spicy Cauliflower Bake

A low carb Mac & Cheese alternative that can also be made with broccoli.



  1. In a large pot add 1 - 2" hot water, place steamer basket and cauliflower. Steam for 10-15 minutes until slightly tender. Remove from heat.
  2. In a medium baking dish, place steamed cauliflower, breaking pieces apart and making an even layer of cauliflower florets on the baking dish. Set aside. Start heating oven to 450° F (230° C).
  3. In a medium mixing bowl place remaining ingredients, mix well with a spatula, add extra mayonnaise to make it somewhat spreadable. Spread cheese mixture evenly over cauliflower in the baking dish.
  4. Bake for 15-25 minutes or until cheese is melted and at desired crispiness. Serve warm.
  5. Notes: The cauliflower can be steamed ahead and chilled before adding cheese mixture. It can be further chilled and then cooked at the last minute.
701분 회원님들께서 이 요리법을 요리책에 추가하셨습니다.

very tasty! I did use the olive oil mayo (lower in fat) & I slightly mixed the cheese mixture into the cauliflower instead of just on top. One of the family's new favorites.
user vote
2014년 03월 4일 작성이: Mvanhaaren
This was very good and I'll make it again. I left off the cayenne pepper because others didn't like the hot spice, but for myself, yum! It reminded me of mac and cheese. I noticed it was even better the next day so next time I'll make it a day ahead.
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2013년 09월 7일 작성이: nonotofat
My whole family enjoyed this but I think I may try another type of cheese next time. I liked the flavor pretty well but found as I ate it the flavor grew a bit strong for me. Think I'm going to try maybe a taco cheese mix or maybe swiss (love swiss).
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2011년 03월 10일 작성이: GEL
I dont like cauliflower but I have already made this dish twice this week. It is sooooooo good.
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2011년 02월 3일 작성이: teamv3
very good!
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2010년 07월 30일 작성이: candyann
Excellent. I'd cut back on the cayenne next time, but that's just my taste buds. I only had sliced cheddar in the house and just cut it up really fine and it worked. When it seemed like it wouldn't spread, I added some half & half instead of more mayo. Worked fine. Definitely a keeper!
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2010년 06월 16일 작성이: Truesue
Wonderfully cheesy and delicious!
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2010년 06월 9일 작성이: disneychele
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2010년 02월 10일 작성이: Bestia
Well, I gave this recipe a 4 out of five stars, I thought it was a bit to salty/spicy, but tasty. :) My husband LOVED IT!!! You have renewed his faith in cauliflower and opened up different possiblities by changing up the recipe a bit. thanks for putting this out there. :)
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2009년 08월 18일 작성이: Sandra42077
This is designed for Atkins but can be modified as a tasty side dish for any diet with substitution of low-fat mayo and cheese. I just made it with chopped jalapenos and bacon crumbles on top and everyone loved it!
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2008년 09월 22일 작성이: sararay
19중 1에서 10 다음


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영양 요약:

Cheesy Spicy Cauliflower Bake의 1인분에는 171칼로리가 있습니다.
칼로리 분석: 61% 지방, 22% 탄수화물, 17% 단백질.

영양 정보
서빙 사이즈
서브 당
서브 당
714 kJ
171 kcal
불포화 지방
(171 cal)
9% 일일권장
칼로리 분석:
탄수화물 (22%)
지방 (61%)
단백질 (17%)
*일일권장에 따른 2000칼로리

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