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작성이: Rinny182

Baked Mediterranean Chicken

A yummy and easy way to make a typical baked chicken breast more exciting.



  1. Cut chicken breasts in half through the centre, and pound flat to make 6 cutlets.
  2. In a bowl, add cream cheese, parmesan cheese and chopped roasted red pepper.
  3. Heat butter in a pan, and sauté spinach until wilted. Remove from pan and chop.
  4. Add to bowl and mix with a spoon. Season with salt, pepper, or other preferred herbs and spices.
  5. Spread a large spoonful of the mixture over each chicken cutlet.
  6. Roll the cutlets and place on a lightly greased pan or parchment paper, seam-side down. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Bake at 400° F (200° C) for 45-60 minutes (depending on your oven). Remove, let cool and enjoy!
  8. Note: would also be great topped with a little tzatziki or other dressing.
1159분 회원님들께서 이 요리법을 요리책에 추가하셨습니다.

Whole family liked it. Chicken was a bit dry, but the filling helped balance that out. I didn't have roasted red peppers so I sauteed green bell peppers in a little olive oil and used those instead.
user vote
2022년 01월 10일 작성이: ccallas
Even my hubby loved it! He hates spinach. My kids also liked it.
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2016년 02월 10일 작성이: marci4444
Tried this tonight, it was great! I seasoned with garlic and onion powder, and the we added a topping of banana peppers and portabella mushrooms. Very good!
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2013년 08월 4일 작성이: Jacaston0204
Very high in weight watcher points, very high in fat. I'm sure it's delicious, but I'd try adding some fiber somewhere, getting rid of the high fat butter (maybe use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray) and using fat free ingredients elsewhere. Sorry for my seemingly negative thoughts....I just follow my plan to the letter! I get a lot of recipes from skinnytaste.com...gourmet, quick and easy to follow, and all dieting info is right there for you.
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2012년 07월 26일 작성이: YoginiKaren
Loved it. Felt full afterwards Thanks
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2012년 05월 24일 작성이: Barry5544
Delicious chicken recipe! Very tasty and satisfying!
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2012년 02월 22일 작성이: flygirl1967
I used roosted red peppers( hot and spicy). It was really good but I realized I should have used (red pepper as in green peppers) Other than using the wrong ingredients it was the bomb.
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2012년 02월 22일 작성이: colunteya
It might have been the peppers I used, but this dish was just a little too spicy for me. And that is saying a lot because it takes a lot of spice for me to think something is too hot. I will try it again cutting the peppers in half.
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2012년 01월 22일 작성이: dramadr
Excellent meal that is filling and tastes great, highly recommended!!!
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2012년 01월 3일 작성이: teebox25
This was an amazingly delicious meal. I brought some to work with a small salad and had to post the recipe on the board so people could copy it to take home. So far everyone that tried it just loved it.
user vote
2011년 07월 13일 작성이: jsbalcom
14중 1에서 10 다음


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영양 요약:

Baked Mediterranean Chicken의 1인분에는 265칼로리가 있습니다.
칼로리 분석: 49% 지방, 3% 탄수화물, 48% 단백질.

영양 정보
서빙 사이즈
서브 당
서브 당
1109 kJ
265 kcal
트랜스 지방
불포화 지방
(265 cal)
13% 일일권장
칼로리 분석:
탄수화물 (3%)
지방 (49%)
단백질 (48%)
*일일권장에 따른 2000칼로리

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