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작성이: Johanne

Crock Pot Curried Rice and Lentils

Inspired by more traditional Indian recipes, this curried rice and lentils is a full vegetarian meal right out of your crock pot.



  1. Combine all ingredients in a crock pot.
  2. Cover and cook on low for 4 to 5 hours.
  3. Note: you can use 1 medium onion, diced instead of the onion powder.
221분 회원님들께서 이 요리법을 요리책에 추가하셨습니다.

Love it - Cooking time seems to be a little too long. 1 Cup Serving
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2012년 09월 3일 작성이: deadcenter
I left out the 2 cubes of chicken stock to reduce the sodium. It was still tasty with lots of flavor!
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2012년 01월 16일 작성이: alideni
i'm not a veggie, but i used all veg stock not chicken because it has less calories in and tbh, whats the point in chicken stock if there's no chicken in it!? i only cooked mine for like just over 2 hours, and all the water boiled off. looks yummy, can't wait to eat this for lunch at college :)
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2011년 01월 8일 작성이: broken-star
I made it with vegetable broth and it was delicious. I recommend it.
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2010년 11월 27일 작성이: cakvt
Thanks for clearing that up. The "Vegetarians eat fish and poultry" is not true...people loosely refer to themselves as vegetarians but they simply don't know what they are talking about. Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian eats dairy and eggs, an absolutely no flesh; Lacto Vegetarian will eat dairy, and absolutely no eggs or flesh; Vegans will not eat Flesh, Dairy, Eggs, Honey. Vegans will also do their best to avoid purchasing non food items that have derived from animal products or animal testing (such as certain toiletries, cleaning products, leather, silk, wool, etc). If you do consider yourself a vegetarian and still eat animals (earth,air,or water) please drop the "vegetarian" title to spare mass confusion and instead say something like: "I don't eat fish/red meat/etc".
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2010년 10월 21일 작성이: lovingvegan
To be clear, a true vegetarian eats no meat whatsoever, but most will eat eggs, dairy, and other animal byproducts. A vegan will not eat any kind of meat or any animal by product. Some people say that they are vegetarians and continue to eat fish, these are actually called pescetarians. Then there are people who say they are vegetarians but just don't eat red meat, those people are confused in their understanding of what vegetarianism actually is... Not that it matters all that much to me because I love eating all the tasty critters that I can get my hands on. But man throw some lamb in that dish and I think it would be a real winner!
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2010년 10월 1일 작성이: papsmcgee
"vegetarians just don't eat red meat. Vegans don't eat any meat,no chicken,fish or red meat. So many people don't know this." That's not entirely accurate. Most true vegetarians eat no meat or fish at all. Vegans do not eat *any* animal product, including eggs and dairy.
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2010년 10월 1일 작성이: cgurski
vegetarians just don't eat red meat. Vegans don't eat any meat,no chicken,fish or red meat. So many people don't know this.
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2010년 10월 1일 작성이: onemoretime2
I agree with sur365 - People who eat animals of any sort are not vegetarians - they just don't eat mammals. So to be clear, while I am sure this meal is very tasty with the vegetable stock, it is not vegetarian when you add chicken stock.
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2010년 09월 23일 작성이: David1211
Many vegetarians eat fish and poultry . . . just not mammal. If you want vegan, use vegetable stock and vegetable cubes.
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2010년 09월 7일 작성이: Johanne
11중 1에서 10 다음


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작성이: 수딩,
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영양 요약:

Crock Pot Curried Rice and Lentils의 1인분에는 188칼로리가 있습니다.
칼로리 분석: 6% 지방, 75% 탄수화물, 19% 단백질.

영양 정보
서빙 사이즈
서브 당
서브 당
785 kJ
188 kcal
불포화 지방
(188 cal)
9% 일일권장
칼로리 분석:
탄수화물 (75%)
지방 (6%)
단백질 (19%)
*일일권장에 따른 2000칼로리

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