2019년 01월 가입함

101.4 kg
지금까지 감소한: 4.0 kg

현재 체중
97.4 kg
성과: 주 0.0 kg 감소하기

목표 체중
74.8 kg
남은양: 22.5 kg
Married to my best friend for almost 35 years. We have 4 kids—2 biological daughters who are 33 and 34, and 2 sons—22 and 24–whom we adopted from Russia when they were 2 and 4. Our only grandchild just turned one, and I can’t wait until she gets older so we can talk and do more things! I retired three years ago from being a middle school ELA teacher for 27 years. I loved it and my kids, but I’ve had 19 surgeries/fusions/replacements since 2005, and retired b/c of my health. I have an unnamed genetic bone disorder, and I also have Ehlers-Danlos (a connective tissue disorder), neuropathy, and arthritis, so I have chronic pain and never know when my back will go “out.” I also have depression, anxiety, and hypothyroidism, and all this—plus my addiction to sweets—led to serious weight gain. I’m a yo-yo dieter, and I’m much better at losing than maintaining. I lost 50 pounds when I joined FS in January, 2019, but I hurt my back in November of that year and stopped working out/taking care of myself. Hurting my back and COVID are two reasons, but the bottom line is that stopped taking care of myself. I love dogs—have 2–and also have a cat. We just moved after 28 years in our starter home to a beautiful home on 5 acres. Unfortunately, half of our old house is still in boxes and at a storage unit! Finally, we are Christians. I love God and am so grateful for all that he’s done in our lives. I hope to continue to lose weight, work out, lift weights, and become physically and mentally stronger. I’m VERY grateful for all the support, advice, recipes, and humor I’ve found here, and I’m very glad to be back. 😊🎈

laraae님의 체중기록


Kenna Morton
최근 잰 체중: 안정된 체중 Steady
(팔로워들만 볼 수 있음)
최근 잰 체중: 주 1.9 kg 감소하기 Down
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.2 kg 증가하기 Up

laraae님의 요리책

칼로리: 200kcal | 지방: 3.63g | 탄수화물: 32.83g | 단백질: 10.50g
Veggie Soup
This is an easy recipe you can throw together and eat over the course of a few days. Very low calorie.
칼로리: 17kcal | 지방: 1.08g | 탄수화물: 1.55g | 단백질: 0.69g
Grilled Zucchini Roll-Ups
This delicious appetizer or snack is an explosion of flavors. A perfect guilt free healthy low-cal appetizer at a party.
칼로리: 330kcal | 지방: 3.09g | 탄수화물: 15.17g | 단백질: 56.95g
Teriyaki Chicken
Sensational chicken that's great on top of rice, or shredded and mixed in with a Napa cabbage salad.
칼로리: 233kcal | 지방: 13.58g | 탄수화물: 26.57g | 단백질: 2.10g
Baked Sweet Potato Wedges
So easy sweet potatoes are amazingly yummy side.
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