FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 05월 23일

Quick morning venting rant so that I can then turn my attention to my coffee and a lighter day. The headline is 'Cutty's family tried to shake me down and failed in more ways than one.'

The details include there was an old piano in the family - they sold it to us for $500 some twenty years ago because no one really wanted it and they needed money. We promised if we ever sold it we'd give them first chance so they could keep it in the family. Fine, we paid, kept it 10 years, and when we were moving around we let them buy it back for $250.

In January, after Cutty passed, I had a desire to repurchase the piano if it was available and they wanted to sell. Kaddy told me 'I'm sure they do - it just sits there'. So I emailed the other sister and asked.

She FINALLY responded to me TODAY with 'sorry taking so long to get back to you about this (didn't even acknowledge my email five months ago - this was the FIRST contact!) and said 'we've gone back and forth and looked it up on the internet and we think $2500 is a fair price if you want to buy it. So go ahead and make an offer around 2k and it's yours'.

Yep.. just in case I misunderstood or thought she'd added an extra zero by mistake.. she confirmed with the 'k'.

So what is that ... like ... 1000% markup. Yeah ... me with the numbers and the scales I can't get past my shock on their attempt to 'shake down the widow cutty' for an old not that great piano to do the math.

Color me civil that I refrained from profanity in my response of 'thank you for the consideration, go ahead and post it on the internet. Have a good holiday'.

Well, that's outta my head. Now I just hear Cutty ranting his profanity about his greedy @#$#@# sister @#$#$ bull@#$#@ blah blah.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2014년 05월 23일:
1871 kcal 지방: 121.90g | 단백질: 101.46g | 탄수화물: 82.64g.   아침 식사: Cheddar Cheese, Sunny Farms Jumbo Egg, Bacon, Chicken Tortellini Soup, Coffee-Mate Sugar Free Hazelnut Powder Coffee Creamer, Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Whole Milk. 더보기
1852 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기

10명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

25중 1에서 20
OMG Bella what a B....I...T....C....H!!!!! You are far too good for those people! 
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: triaby
I see that a lot too, the friends and family discount only go one way.  
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: jparlett
That's horrible. The truly nasty thing is now they have it in their heads they can make some money off it. It will likely leave the family domain. Too sad.  
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: northernmusician
You handled it like a southern bell. Much nicer than I would have been. They don't know you very well, do they?  
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: sarahsmum
And Cutty would tell you to go out and buy another one. Tell them to go ahead and sell it if they can get that much for it. They'll be back in touch asking for you to make an offer. Anything over $500.00 is highway robbery. Perhaps lack of communication is good in this case.  
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: ClassicRocker
I would have been cussing up a storm but I drink like a fish and have a mouth like a drunken sailor. " F " orget them people!!!! 
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: rockytu
AWWWW, unfortuantely there are people in many families, including mine, who are that way.  
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: wholefoodnut
OMG, Angel! WTF?!? But, yes, you handled it perfectly. Hope the journaling again did its trick & you're on to a better day! xoxox 
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: Ruhu
Great job on not saying what you really feel on that.  
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: SherrieC
Thanks everyone. Yeah, "L" was always the thorn in Cutty's side ~ so at the very least... she's consistent. The journaling helped too because until I logged into FS to update my food diary I'd forgotten all about 'piano-gate'. Would you believe AFTER that I still went and did my treadmill? The 'any excuse under the sun' Queen shook it off and walked. Then showered, went to the bank and am now enjoying an iced coffee. ANOTHER thing I never enjoyed from Starbucks because I probably need to order a sugaraccino or something because otherwise it's plain and I like my coffee with creamer. This is wonderful. Addictively wonderful. Yum. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, the Greedy Cutty Family. LOL. If they WERE in my will, they are definitely OUT. Evil cackle ....  
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: FullaBella
Love iced coffee. Since I make really strong coffee every morning sometimes I don't finish all of it, the leftovers go into a pitcher in the frig for iced coffee later.  
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: wholefoodnut
MOney can bring out the worst in people! Did you just have coffee and ice? or did you do it up big time?? 
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: sharonfriz
I added the coffee-mate powdered creamer. I am sure that doesn't count as big time but I feel like it was a little better than just 'another cup of coffee' as it was refreshing and diluted, LOL.... typing this I just now understood the allure of a frozen margarita... NOT! 
2014년 05월 23일 작성이: FullaBella
People are absolutely incredulous. I reiterate the WTF sentiment. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with crazy people. 
2014년 05월 24일 작성이: ChicaLean
Wow, I can't believe some people! You were so good to not say anything to them about how horrible they are. I hope you are enjoying your weekend! 
2014년 05월 24일 작성이: SJacqueline
I want to punch that sister right in the face.... 
2014년 05월 27일 작성이: erika2633
Bella,Im sorry about the piano-gate but I believe CR is right,they will not be able to get their asking price & return to you for repurchasing what you already paid $500 for once (10 yrs ago) & allowed them the consideration to steal it back for half the price. If it were *me* in your position & they did indeed return for me to buy it back I wouldnt offer more than $200. Im positive they wont get even *that much* for it if they took it to a dealer.....Keeper & I tried a few yrs ago with a baby grand in exellent condition. We decided to give it to friends who we knew would appreciate it & forgo selling to ones who were merely wanting to rob us while they made a buck from it. We dont regret it :D 
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: myawethinTICself
mya... would rather give it to someone who will take care of it and love it the way I did before selling it to someone who is going to resell it to make a buck.  
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: ClassicRocker
Im with you CR. 
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: myawethinTICself
What the What?!?! How did I miss this one five days ago? I can smell the greed from here.  
2014년 05월 29일 작성이: Annabelle3117



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