FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 08월 28일

I'm dazed and confused ~ as usual. This always happens on those days that end with the letter 'y'.

I was 5 minutes late opening my shop... had people LINED UP on the sidewalk! One guy even called and rudely asked 'what time are you planning on showing up today?' I live behind my shop and nearly answered 'NOT!' because, well, we old ladies get a little cranky about being rushed. After that mad rush though ...nothing. One decent sale. But that's okay ... I'm PACKING.

We leave for the lake cabin tomorrow. Four Days. I grew up in the country so I don't generally consider it a vacation to be anywhere that involves woods, retreat, quiet, etc. I'm more 'dahlin ... gimme park avenue' in my later years.

But with Blondie's crew it's a necessity to have a place big enough to spread out. I'm looking forward to the experience of 'unplugging' from the phones, sidewalks and traffic. Oh yeah, need to pack sneakers. And... bug spray. And Rum.

If it's as nice as the photo's online look, it should be okay. Here are a couple:

So today is my Friday and Tuesday will be my Monday so I'll be in complete Dori mode for at least half of September.

All things food... not bad. Not perfect but not horrid.

Just kidding. They still fit.

My focus this holiday weekend will be to just eat mindfully.

Not overeat but not sweat every single bite. Water of course. And yep.. coffee.

I'll hopefully get a little walking in ... running from the axe murderers who hang out in the woods.. things like that.

I'm taking my kindle ... there's supposed to be internet but just incase I go MIA don't hold services or pay ransom before Wednesday. However... if I stop in and blow it all on the crap tables.. I may be phoning collect for a little help. Y'all be sure and post your phone numbers below okay?

Otherwise, you all have a safe, happy and healthy holiday weekend :-)


PS - this has nothing to do with anything but it's amazing how many of these with which I agreed...

9명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

I ♥ your post! I hope you have lots of fun on your vacation. 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: gingin40
I loved the "I have trouble telling the difference between hunger and boredom" comment. 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: northernmusician
Enjoy your trip. Thanks for your comments and love on my journal. LOVE your 'list'. So many are such truisms. I'm stealing for an FB post. Hope the cabin in the woods is as great as the pics. Keep your cool 'cause someone will undoubtedly push your buttons this weekend. Chat to you Thesday.  
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: sarahsmum
Enjoy your getaway. Hope no grumpy customers find you in the woods. 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: BuffyBear
I know you will have a great time on your vacation, just have extra fun on me!! Also, have an extra rum drink for me. Rum....mmm! Love your post, pics, and your list. Laughed through all of them. Cat is convinced I am crazy. Thank you so much for going through the effort of posting them! 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: kattay
So, ummm... that's camping? I might like that! I TOTALLY identify with numbers 2, 17, ****24*****!!!! And the others are very humorous, too....don't want to identify with them all or you might realize you know me IRL. 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: Sweet Ce
Bella have the most wonderful retreat. I hope you have some peace and serenity at least for a few moments. I loved the long list...I think I identified with all 32. I'll miss you. Look for you next week : ) 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: sharonfriz
Your retreat looks fabulous! Enjoy Angel, as I did the truths about our lives... Yes, once again, mine parallels too! Xoxoxo 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: Ruhu
Lake cabin looks pretty fancy!! 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: wholefoodnut
Have a wonderful vacation, Bella! 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: Deb_N
Have fun on your vacation! What kind of shop do you have Bella? 
2014년 08월 28일 작성이: Tulipgirl6
Have fun!! I wish I knew how to add the pics the way you do... If I click on image it does not direct me to browsing ...any tips? 
2014년 08월 29일 작성이: Optimistic57
Hi Optimistic57: To add pix: 1) Upload image to "Imgur" (free account) 2) go to Edit Image and change largest number to 480 (it'll make sense when you do it) 3) Save and then choose the BBC format to copy & paste in to your entry. (it'll look a little like gibberish b/w {{}}, but once you submit you should be able to go back in and view the pic - it's programming language). Pretty easy once you do it once.  
2014년 08월 29일 작성이: Sweet Ce
Aw that's not fair about the cyclists, Bella. LOL. Hope you enjoy the holiday weekend. Cabin looks very relaxing. Great job with the business btw. You're quite in demand. 
2014년 08월 29일 작성이: Helewis
That cabin looks AMAZING! You couldn't pay me to leave, haha. Enjoy :) 
2014년 08월 29일 작성이: PepperMill
I absolutely LOVE the truths about my life... !!! So true, all of them. have a great time at the cabin. 
2014년 08월 29일 작성이: SherrieC
Hey now... #30 grrr.... LOL... I have everyone who ignores traffic rules no matter soled or wheeled. 
2014년 08월 29일 작성이: jparlett
Have fun and be safe! I need BOTH blue fish pasted on my FS page ;) 
2014년 08월 29일 작성이: 2toofat
I do too. I will have beer tonight but not much. Meeting friends at a blues concert at the Santacalagon Festival.  
2014년 08월 29일 작성이: wholefoodnut



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