FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 08월 12일


I've been sitting here staring at that word for a while wondering 'why do I start my journals with the day of the week' and the best answer I can have is it helps me stay oriented. But then, every single 'day' of the week seems to have an emotion associated with it, doesn't it? Nothing like 'Monday' to immediately imply 'gah, it's Monday' whereas 'Friday' is like 'Whoohoo... it's Friday'. So .. I can either stop defining my journals or stop letting the day define my mood. Something to consider.

All Things Food? While it hasn't been a complete week, so no 7 day chip or anything like that.. I smiled at myself in the mirror this morning with the realization that I've actually gone through something in my life and not reverted to bad habits.

I committed a balanced action to regain my healthy eating.

Stop yawning. Normal people do this all the time. I've been so far from the neighborhood of normal most of my life even GPS couldn't get me there.

I was reflecting how back in 2006 when I lost that 'spark, enthusiasm and ambition' of my weight loss technique then, repeating what I did in 1995 despite THAT failing too, I would fight the binges back with more disorder. Starve, binge, and purge. Three of my least favorite but best well known dwarfs marching along with hungry, deprived, angry and desperate. But, that didn't work. Binge and purge morphed into starve and binge followed by .. 'well, the hell with it... binge'.

I'd fill the fridge with more low fat, no fat, lean quisine's and try to cut my calories down to 500 or less. And I'd count every single blasted calorie - even a stick of gum. Obsessing, calculating, weighing hourly, and driving myself mad with self hatred and ugly talk in my head.

So for me last week to say 'okay, time to stop this over indulging and reclaim the agenda' and NOT do it with 'I'm not going to eat anything but a can of sauerkraut and a gallon of water daily for a month ::: and yes, I have lost weight doing that in the past but lost a bit of health and sanity with it too ::: was, in my world, a victory.
And to go to dinner Saturday night and not say 'well, it is dinner out...' and use that as another excuse to over indulge with the plan to just 'fast' on Sunday to balance it all out was another victory.

Do I have this perfected? Oh.. far from it. But I do feel much better. I've been terrified... well, terrified is a strong word.. but ... DREADING this part of my journey as I've written so much about how the terrible two's always took me down. I pray daily that the fact that I've not lost weight this time with my old habits will be the healing force to last me the rest of my life.

Or ... as I commented on someone's journal the other day ...


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Saw this today ~ absolutely loved it.


And I liked these thoughts for the day:



다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2014년 08월 12일:
1925 kcal 지방: 88.50g | 단백질: 74.50g | 탄수화물: 206.00g.   아침 식사: On The Border Cheese Enchilada, La Preferida Spanish Rice, Rosarita Refried Beans, Herdez Salsa Verde, Wholly Guacamole Classic Guacamole, On The Border Chicken with Sour Cream Sauce Enchilada, M&M's Peanut M&M's (Package), AMC Movie Theater Popcorn (Small), Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk, Coffee-Mate Hazelnut Coffee Creamer, Omaha Steaks Calves Liver, Schwan's Mediterranean Vegetable Blend, Trader Joe's Artichoke Hearts, Fresh & Easy Tomato & Garlic Bruschetta. 더보기

15명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Those last two quotes are nothing short of brilliant! Thanks for sharing the reminders. They seem to neutralize situations that are generally huge energy sucks!  
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: Vickie 5966
Loved all the quotes and so true!!! We all do have to choose how we feel while we are alive. Kind of hits the nail on the head for what I went through with DH on Sunday. 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: jaime30024
So true, so true. "Sometimes the vigilance of Healthy eating seems like indentured servitude without a retirement plan . . ." I have often contemplated whether I want to make a career out of weight loss and maintenance, and decided, "No, I DON'T want to." If it gets to that, I won't make it. I have to get to the point where eating well and staying fit is what I enjoy doing naturally, and not prompted by fear of consequences - somehow. Great post, as always! 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: DairyKing
Pretty powerful images and quotes today. Very meaningful reminders to be better people. I’m surrounded by negativity and it’s easy to get sucked in sometimes. I love being able to rise above it and keep my day going. Today is one of those days. Feels great! 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: ChicaLean
Thanks for sharing FullaB. The ups and downs are so hard to deal with. I get upset when I can't maintain the willpower that I know is within me. I guess we just have to keep trying even though it's sooo hard to do! Cheers to you! 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: Hey Chakalina
I am recording everything I eat and drink including gum and unsweetened tea. I like to know how many calories I ate for the day. I am not obsessed about the scale though. I weight myself once a week, sometimes twice. I was like you before, I would starve myself and then go on a binge. Good thing that kind of behaviour is behind us.  
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: snezica
Love it, Bella! You realized that something was wrong and you're working to turn it around - that, to me, is a success. You're an inspiration! And I love the image you posted of the statue. Might have to shamelessly steal it ;) 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: PepperMill
The image of a woman chipping away is beautiful. I want to frame it. Applies on so many levels. And, BTW, I didn't yawn, not even once. Celebrating the ways we break through the chains that bind us is very important. Keep bringin' it, sistah!  
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: Sweet Ce
Love the hammer and chisel. That's been a dream I've often had :) 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: 2toofat
Angel, you have come so, so far and now to feel balanced too… another huge step! I'm just trying to keep up, or at least learn from the valuable lessons you share! xoxox 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: Ruhu
Right sweet ce, so many levels on the woman chipping away. Bella, as always your images etc. are amazing. Your thoughtful insights hit home for many.  
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: wholefoodnut
Bella you're doing just fine...one day at a time and remember to breathe and smell your lovely roses. Be well my dear. 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: Josie Ann
it's not just about getting there, it's about how we get there, that'll permit us to stay there. What's that saying... I didn't fail 999 times, I just learnt 999 ways on how not to do it. (of course I'm paraphrasing a classic quote) So, your journey taught you lessons to built on. I guess your experiences are the foundations to build your success on. I think you're doing very well. Have faith! I have faith that you'll eventually manage this weight loss thing painlessly. :) 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: NowIunderstand
I'm feeling like the sculptress. I love that image. I'm no where near finished but I can keep chipping away. 
2014년 08월 12일 작성이: sharonfriz
So very glad you're here to share your wisdom and experiences. Your post and the responses make me think and reassess my program. Which I guess shouldn't be a program, but a life plan. Right?  
2014년 08월 13일 작성이: ClassicRocker
Classic, a work in progress. Always evolving, like me tearing things apart in my house. Always trying to make it better.  
2014년 08월 13일 작성이: wholefoodnut



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