Nikina70님의 저널, 2022년 02월 11일

An expected gain from not tracking last week. It's been a stressful week and I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep for a few years. Would be nice to wake up as my future self where all the issues I'm currently worried about and all the things that upset me and all the numerous things I really need to do - are all done and dusted and packed away and resolved. Then I can just be the better me and relax and do the things I really want to do (which I usually talk myself out of doing). Would be wonderful! Hope I can shake this funk soon and just get on with it.

Still wish you all a great weekend! Don't mind me - just venting on my diary and no need for sympathy or cheer up comments. It is what it is. Hopefully I'll look back at it in summer and go - ooh, that winter got really bad for a while... and it's not even the weather to blame.
69.1 kg 지금까지 감소한: 16.9 kg.    남은양: 4.1 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2022년 02월 11일:
2387 kcal 지방: 76.55g | 단백질: 90.64g | 탄수화물: 285.71g.   아침 식사: Alpro Strawberry, Applied Nutrition Vegan-Pro Vanilla, Asda Bran Flakes, Asda Gala Apple, Cinnamon, Everyday Essentials Porridge Oats, Tap Water. 점심 식사: Sainsbury's Smooth Peanut Butter, Grandessa Strawberry Jam, Sainsbury's Baby Leaf Spinach, Asda Soft White Toastie Thick Sliced Bread, Acti Leaf Soya Original, Asda Free From Garlic & Herb Soft Cheese Alternative, Asda Free From Mature Cheddar Alternative. 저녁 식사: Asda Garlic Bread, Spaghetti, Sacla' Vegan Bolognese Sauce, Meatless Meatballs. 간식/기타: Sainsbury's Easy Peelers, Seabrook Prawn Cocktail Crisps (25g), Vitalite Dairy Free Margarine, Banana Muffins, Old Mout Cider Classic Apple, Nescafe Instant Coffee. 더보기
주 0.4 kg 증가하기

52명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

2022년 02월 11일 작성이: _bec_ca
Hope things get better soon Nikina 🧡 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: Margenotlisa
I'm new here so just popping in to say Hi and hope you have a lovely weekend x  
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: Justyg1970
Sometimes we do just need to curl up and rest up a while. No need to deprive yourself of that. Hope things pick up soon. 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: JanusWoman
Sending you strength and support 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: Jamie_D
Hey, never turn down sympathy and cheer! If a little retreat is what you need for self care, go for it. We all need one sometimes. May your weekend bring you happy things 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: writingwyo
Girl don’t worry. We’ve all been there, just keep pushing forward and you’ll be okay :) 👍🏽✨ 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: Liw22
no sympathy post, you have your sh*t together way more than me these days. I have total faith in your ability to navigate. LOL 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: Katsolo
I’m looking for a magic wand. If I find one I’ll let you know Nikina🤗🤗 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: suma-ya-c
Make time for yourself and after you've rested get a piece of paper and do a brain dump put all of the thoughts as they come to you down on the paper no matter how good or bad they are write everything that comes to mind on that paper. When you're done you head should be clearer. If you want to go further wait for a day when you feel positive and focused and go back to the page and list the most important thing and work out how to sort it. When it's resolved you repeat in order of difficulty or importance and you will start to feel more in control. I find this helps me when I feel overwhelmed. 🤗 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: ellieree
Oh a BRAIN DUMP sounds such a good idea 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: mincepiemuncher
totally got your hand with this as in exactly the same place but with my poop to deal with. And, luckily for you, (and the rest of the world), my poop is exclusive to me! Keep walking towards that summer and if you can't walk towards it for a day or so no sweat, it's moving towards us slowly! have a good weekend girl! xxxx 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: sarahe73
@ trytrytryagain a brain dump really helps when you feel out of control you can clear your mind of negative thoughts and think about what will really make you happy. I hope it helps you.🤗 
2022년 02월 11일 작성이: ellieree
Hugs 💗💗💗💗 
2022년 02월 12일 작성이: Gib_Jig
Have a lovely weekend Nikina, hope the week ahead is kinder x 
2022년 02월 13일 작성이: suma-ya-c
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and support! I really do appreciate all of you and I woke up feeling much better this morning. Still a bit down, but can see some sunshine at the edge of the clouds now. Ellieree, your brain dump suggestion was fab - thank you! I actually had written all the things I had to do on various notes everywhere and it was just becoming overwhelming so I decided to tackle just a few of the most important ones first. And, I managed to get something done yesterday that I've been putting off and stressing over for months now and it has really helped me to feel more positive overall. I'll try to keep the process going. Thank you! I hope you're all having a great week! xxx 
2022년 02월 15일 작성이: Nikina70



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