FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 02월 14일

Friday - February 14th - Happy Valentines Day to All. I was sitting here thinking about when we were kids and celebrating today meant you went to the store and bought a box of cute little cards and dropped one each in the hand decorated lunch sacks hanging on the wall of the class room; sometimes you added one of those bags of sweet-tarts. But time passed and the little 'sweet tarts' weren't considered 'enough' - age and maturity seemed to demand more and the lunch sacks fell by the way replaced by huge red satin boxes of chocolates and long stemmed roses which eventually led to diamonds and dinners and wine, oh my.

Another excess much like All Things Food, no? I find myself doing similar things (right up to the point I voice 'STOP' out loud to myself in the kitchen.) I'll be thinking 'Hmm... craving cheese' but by the time I pull myself into the kitchen the image of cheese in my mind has expanded to 'yeah, I could add a heated flour tortilla and maybe some of that steak and make a burrito ... mmm some egg would be good with that too...' when all I really want is just a taste of cheese. Hence the 'STOP' and I just cut the cheese and move on. Wait.. that didn't come out right.. LOL.

So what is it we really want out of Valentine's Day? To know we're loved? Does the measure of the gift reinforce how much or like the simple sweet tarts are the big gifts just another piece of cheese gone wild?

Ahh... just messing around on my favorite playground.. the thoughts in my head. So I'll wrap up this rambling with: just because someone gives you a huge box of chocolate today as their gesture of love doesn't mean you need to eat the entire thing to prove you love them too. Share. With everyone. Tell the giver you're sharing their love. If they give you diamonds... share with me.

Spot on eating continues. SuitGuy brought me a bottle of wine yesterday. We seem to be on a marathon of gift exchanges. He brings me Starbucks; I give him homemade soup. He brings me cookies, I give him mini bottles of wine for he and his partner (because I don't keep large bottles here - they'd just go to waste). He brings me a large bottle of wine... yikes. My turn. I either need to reciprocate now or say 'uhm.. you win... now knock it off.' I may pick them up something from World Market tomorrow ... something non-food. I told him he was forbidden to bring me anymore crack-cookies. I may give him that six pack of beer from Stick - telling him he needs to experience a little red-neck. Yeah, that'll work.

Yoga last night - I enjoyed it although it really reinforced just how badly damaged my right knee is on top of how I need to find some exercises to stretch my leg and back muscles. But I knew that and am often surprised I can do any of that at all. I have arthritis of the spine and degenerative disc disease. While everyone else in the room is able to bend easily and press their head to the floor when sitting 'my' forehead still hovers about two feet above the floor. No worries, I'm giving it time. Just showing up is 99% of it, right?

And considering the instructor decided last night was the perfect night to teach us several 'couples' poses for sharing with our 'husbands' I think I did well indeed to smile and go through the moves with the coughing sneezing yoga student no one else wanted to partner. I laughed and told her I have the immune system of a cockroach; nothing gets to me. Let's hope I'm right.

But, I cannot ignore that being close to someone denying they were contagious didn't bother me so much as being 'touched'. Reflecting on that emotion during Savasana I realized how I rarely make physical contact at all anymore. The occasional handshake in the shop. Quick patted 'hug' when I can't duck them. I know it's indeed an important facet of health and am so grateful I have Ms. Mushy for warmth and comfort from someone I know loves me. Gosh I'm lost in my head today.

I am going to Kaddy's for Galentines Night. Dinner and a movie. I believe we are going to see Winter something. I was actually patting myself on the back for making the effort until SuitGuy mentioned how nervous he is in movie theaters anymore. Oh, yeah, forgot all about that ... and this on a day when some lonely soul like me just loses it .. ok, enough of that. If it happens, it happens.

Blondie hung out here several hours yesterday; she's still milking the 'I was in a car-wreck and need to stay home from work' excuse. No, I'm not horrid and uncaring; it was a slow speed low impact collision with .. a brick building... obviously a little spin out taking a turn. I'm not sure of her 'agenda' ((as I will always suspect she has one, sadly)) but I do think she's sent me Valentine flowers for today; I mentioned how I refused to go get my own 'this week' because I was boycotting the stores with their price gouging and her face turned red. So, we shall see. She has not once mentioned that I sent four bags of groceries to her home during her absence; I'll not mention it either. I'll consider flowers her 'thank you' and move on. It's less exhausting that way. Keep my guard up and go with the flow.

Speaking of flow I consider it ironic that I had yet another plumbing issue - now the kitchen faucet. So far, no leak, just no pressure. But for a year that set 'go with the flow' as it's buzz word.. well, I was hoping for an ocean cruise instead of mopping duty. It's all in the interpretation, no?

With that, I'll stop rambling, bid you all a good day and wander out and see what you're all up to this early morning. Take care and thank you for stopping to visit me.


1명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

You have reminded me I really NEED to stretch too. I hope you have an enjoyable time tonight. You warm my heart every day! 
2014년 02월 14일 작성이: madaboutmoose
It's not just the Valentine's Day expectations that grow exponentially as we get older. It seems that we are harder and harder to please through the years. And yes, that does play out with all things food! Good job going to yoga. I'm glad you don't get caught up in comparing yourself to others. It's all about improving ourselves, not being "as good" as someone else. Your ongoing gift exchange with STG sounds fun but I can see how someone needs to make the first move to stop it or it could get out of hand. We don't always want a whole bottle of wine, either, so we buy a box of white and a box of red to have on hand when we only want a glass (or two!). The wine is never exposed to the air so it keeps and keeps in the fridge. That might be a good alternative to the half bottles for you. But not all box wine is created equal so, unless you are familiar with the brand, it can be a bit of a gamble to buy that much not knowing if you like it or not. The movie you are going to see, I think it's Winter's Tale. The trailer looks like it will be a real tear jerker (and I always cry at those kinds of movies, no matter if I'm in public or at home!). Bring lots of tissues! We had a bit of lost pressure a while back and it turned out that the heavy snow had covered our sewer stack so the pipes were sucking for air. I somehow doubt that would be your issue, though. And, alas, I am no plumber so have no idea what could be causing it (save for if you have an under the sink water filter... when those need changing they can slow the flow). Enjoy your Galentine's Day :) 
2014년 02월 14일 작성이: evelyn64
Glad the plans worked out for Galentines. It really is just another day to love and be loved in a multitude of ways and with a wide array of people in our lives. Be good and have a lovely day.  
2014년 02월 14일 작성이: sharonfriz
OK, just a word of advice: 'cutting the cheese' in the kitchen is not romantic. LOL! Good job on not carrying it to excess. I think that's the name of the game - indulging, but making compromises.  
2014년 02월 14일 작성이: DairyKing
We quit giving cards and gifts along time ago...I told DH if he didn't know I loved him after almost 40 years then he was in trouble...LOL...:O) 
2014년 02월 14일 작성이: BHA
Flowers are lovely, but you're right about the prices leading up to today. Take a look at the bouquets leftover this weekend and you'll be able to buy a wonderful-looking bunch for a lot less money! Maybe not the long-stemmed red roses, but still a very nice arrangement. Relax and enjoy your outing tonight! 
2014년 02월 14일 작성이: Sandy701
Hooray for galentines, have fun!! I havent gotten any chocolates or diamonds, but if I get either Ill be sure to send you your cut lol. You crack me up.  
2014년 02월 14일 작성이: Annabelle3117
Have big fun tonight and let us know if the movie is worth seeing in the theatre? Your thoughts today had me laughing, so thank you for that! Be well.  
2014년 02월 14일 작성이: Josie Ann
Bella out of all I read and I read it all...I thought maybe to tell you to clean the faucet end incase there is blockage there from lime stone or such clogging it..does it spew in all directions too...Loved your journal as I always do...and thanks for sending the warmth up my way and loved the sunshine as well....Have a great weekdend my dear friend...:O) 
2014년 02월 14일 작성이: BHA
Hope you had a nice Galentine's Day, Angel! And that you were your own best valentine ever! I thought of you, of course as I often do, when I read Michelle May's article. xoxox 
2014년 02월 15일 작성이: Ruhu
Hi Bella, Reading a recent entry, you hit a point that I wanted to weigh in on..I can't find the entry, however, you mentioned that you had gone to the doctors who found your cholesterol in good standing. And that you had you had been surprised having returned to butter. I had been on Atkins some years back, and had indulged quite a bit in butter and all the fats.(but no margarine) I remember going for my check up and my doctor doing a double take on my BP.... Saying 'that is really good'. My blood work also came in, in all the normal ranges. I also lost a lot of weight very fast. From that experience, I started questioning all that mainstream info regarding calories etc. Of course, the way I did Atkins at the time was unsustainable and I did regain the weight. But I never looked at dieting in the same simplified manner. Just thought I'd share because I found your butter anecdote really hit home. In fact, I tend to agree with Michael Pollan 'do not eat anything that pretends to be something else' I'm paraphrasing here.  
2014년 02월 15일 작성이: NowIunderstand
Don't worry about not being flexible at yoga. My instructor always says to move at your own pace. It is a personal practice, not a competition. It took me a while to be able to do some of the stretches and there are some I still can't do. Don't blame the florist for the high price of flowers. I used to be in that industry and the suppliers raise their prices because of supply and demand on holidays so the florist is paying more for the flowers too, Glad you had a good Valentines Day with your friend. 
2014년 02월 15일 작성이: SJacqueline



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