2010년 07월 가입함

92.4 kg
지금까지 감소한: 2.3 kg

현재 체중
90.2 kg
성과: 주 2.5 kg 감소하기

목표 체중
74.8 kg
남은양: 15.3 kg
I'm just another average lady in her late 30s, not willing to admit that the 40s are coming and still trying to beat the weight off. I've always been a chubby girl, with small moments of glory with one diet or another. Since 2001, I've progressively gained weight, where I've climbed as high as 232. Shameful. Really.

In 2015, I was successful at getting 40 lbs off and feeling almost "normal". You know - not classified as "obese" by national standards, able to find clothes in most stores that fit, can climb a few flights of stairs without breaking a sweat... I hit a plateau, struggled to find a new way to break through, and slowly put the weight back on over 2 years. I was in denial until I had to buy new clothes and the bulge was pushing past the boobs once again. For me, if the bulge is out in the front, it's twice as big in the back!

Mini Goals: (Updated July 2018)
(208) Starting weight of KETO 6/24/2018
(199) Break out of 200s - COMPLETED 7/8/2018
(187) 10% off
(184) BMI at 29.9, OVERWEIGHT, not OBESE
(175) Break through the 2015 plateau
(166) 20% off
(159.5) Just pretending to be in the 160s
(154) BMI at 24.9, NORMAL

jenalena님의 체중기록


최근 잰 체중: 주 1.3 kg 감소하기 Down
Big Orr
최근 잰 체중: 주 1.4 kg 감소하기 Down
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.4 kg 감소하기 Down
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.0 kg 감소하기 Down

jenalena님의 최근 음식 및 운동항목

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