Nikina70님의 저널, 2023년 04월 19일

Today it's a slice of wholemeal seeded toast under there instead of the sweet potato. Also left out the sweet chilli sauce and olive oil, but still good.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2023년 04월 19일:
1563 kcal 지방: 52.02g | 단백질: 76.01g | 탄수화물: 184.19g.   아침 식사: Grape Tree Flaxseed Brown Linseed, Cardamom , Aldi Ready to Eat Custard, Just Free Plain Soya Pot, Cinnamon, Asda Bran Flakes, Tap Water, Sainsbury's Red Seedless Grapes. 점심 식사: Frylight Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray, Paprika, Deluxe Wholemeal Seeded Farmhouse, Sainsbury's Be Good to Yourself Coleslaw, Aldi Houmous, Asda Lemon Juice, Asda Curly Kale, Mushrooms, Aldi Unsweetened Soya Milk. 저녁 식사: Just Free Plain Soya Pot, Spaghetti, Tesco Lentil Bolognese, Vemondo Vegan Cheddar Style, Quorn Swedish Style Meatballs. 간식/기타: Nescafe Instant Coffee. 더보기
1628 kcal 운동: 운전 - 15 분, 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 30 분, 휴식 - 15 시간   15 분, 숙면 - 8 시간. 더보기

21명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

I am taking notes 
2023년 04월 19일 작성이: Chessnut64
Hope you enjoy it if you give it a go, Chess. Paprika and lemon juice with seasoning have been my 'go to's for the quick stir fry and in summer I'd rather make my own coleslaw so the cabbage/carrot ratio's a bit better. Usually we'd add some of our own grated carrots to a store bought one, but we're just out of carrots this week. 
2023년 04월 19일 작성이: Nikina70
hi lv im new to this cc have you been doing it long not sure if my calories are too high  
2023년 04월 20일 작성이: lisababy50
Welcome Lisababy50! I've been using the app for 10 years this year and just getting close to my goal weight again after a few years hovering way too far above it. Most people don't use the FatSecret calorie suggestion, but rather use something like (if you search Calorie Calculator in Google it will come up). An easy quick one is also to take your goal weight in pounds x 12. Depending on how much you want to lose though this could be a bit too low for your starting point so you could aim for a weight closer to your starting point first and then re-calculate and lower as you go. Another way would be to just track everything you're normally eating on the app - (as accurately as possible because there's no point otherwise) for a week or two. And then from there if you've not lost anything you can decrease your daily average calories by 300-500 calories and see if that gets the scale moving and then tweak from there. It's always better to start with more calories and be able to lower them as you progress than to start low and have nowhere to go if/when you hit a plateau. All the best! 
2023년 04월 26일 작성이: Nikina70
Sorry it's all one big clump. I try to do paragraphs typing on my laptop, but it just becomes one blob when you hit enter. 
2023년 04월 26일 작성이: Nikina70



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