FullaBella님의 저널, 2019년 08월 4일

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2019년 08월 4일:
1232 kcal 지방: 56.16g | 단백질: 103.07g | 탄수화물: 70.33g.   아침 식사: Great Value Half & Half, Coffee, Coffee, Great Value Half & Half. 점심 식사: Reese Quartered Artichoke Hearts, Turkey Breast Meat, Boiled Egg. 저녁 식사: Kraft Stove Top Stuffing Mix For Turkey. 간식/기타: Sargento Smokehouse Cheddar, Hormel Applewood Smoked Deli Turkey. 더보기
2269 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기

34명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Call me Robin! Lol. Avocados are sooooo squishy 
2019년 08월 4일 작성이: jessabridge4444
Oh, yeah, these memes are perfect! Y'know how they have those packages of guacamole in the produce section of supermarkets these days, all spiced up, "mild" or "hot"? They're all too spicy for me! Why can't they package just plain ol' avocado that way, so you'd be sure of getting a 100% edible product for your money? I tried Welch's "NEW!" frozen avocado. They tasted chemically, not natural at all. I threw away the entire two (or was it three) pound bag. Dang. 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: Miraculum
Jess: If they are squishy, definitely don't buy. Mira: Wholly Guacamole puts out a "plain" or 'home style'. I agree, there's nothing as good as the fresh and I too wonder what's going on with it because it does seem like there is a spice or chemical in it (NOT listed on the package). 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: FullaBella
LOL! So true. 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: Fatboy199
I laugh at my wife when she puts more than two avocados in the buggy when we go grocery shopping.  
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: @philrmcknight
Bella, I don't eat black olives for the same reason. I wish I had a better palate.  
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: jessabridge4444
Trader Joes has frozen avocado halves sometimes. They are sprayed with citric acid, but that's it. They work if you can't get fresh. I sometimes buy the pack they have at Costco if the grocery store pickings are slim. I put them in the fridge and ripen one at a time on the counter. Usually takes 1-2 days, so you have to keep on top of it. If you don't have an avocado keeper yet, they are so worth it. There's also a guac keeper, same premise. Keep the air out. You can also spray with cooking oil in a pinch.  
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: Katsolo
Terrific post. 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: Kenna Morton
HA Phil - she lives on the edge doesn't she? 😉😉 Kat - great suggestions! 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: FullaBella
MMM I love avocados.  
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: tatauu22
lol...I never buy more than 2 at a time.  
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: AboutMyTribe
My wife ignores me so hard it rivals a diamond.  
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: @philrmcknight
🙃😅😆 Awwwe 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: FullaBella
Problem for my wife; our daughter has my sense of humor. 😁 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: @philrmcknight
I bought three avocados to make guacamole that same day, which was my birthday (yeah, I didn't plan ahead properly). I got a birthday miracle: all three were the most perfectly ripe, unblemished ones I've ever had. I was generous with the lime juice, too, and my guacamole didn't brown even after several days as I slowly used it up. 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: TRPiJiu
TRPiJu— indeed a miracle. 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: Kenna Morton
Wow. There may be a Santa Claus after all... 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: FullaBella
we bought 3 avocado. Put them on the counter. Checked everyday. After a week they were still rock hard. this has happened twice in the past couple months. they either won't get soft or they turn to brown yuck. Just a bad crop or something??? 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: Sweet Georgia Peaches
I look for avocados that give very slightly to thumb pressure and still have a "stem stub." I pluck off the stub. If the spot left on the fruit is still green, it's usually a good one. No stub? Stays in the display. 
2019년 08월 5일 작성이: Miraculum
Miraculum - That's exactly what I did when picking mine. They had a slight give and were bright green underneath the stub. Less of a birthday miracle and more I was lucky they even had good ones and that I could identify them, lol 
2019년 08월 6일 작성이: TRPiJiu



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