Diana 1234님의 저널, 2023년 05월 8일

I am trying hard to eat healthy while sick but it's difficult due to meds I'm on. The steroids are making me want to eat everything in sight! I just keep trying to grab veggies when hungry but what I really want is anything that is not a healthy snack.... I am still coughing like crazy and sinuses are still infected. I feel about 20% better than last week but this respiratory infection has been going on 2 weeks now. The thought of any kind of activity is overwhelming and that's not how I usually roll. Trying just to get through the day without coughing my lungs out...Thanks for all of you that have been checking on me and giving me great tips! 💜💜💜🙏🙏🙏🙏
59.8 kg 지금까지 감소한: 10.5 kg.    남은양: 0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2023년 05월 8일:
1115 kcal 지방: 41.19g | 단백질: 129.43g | 탄수화물: 69.76g.   아침 식사: Premier Nutrition High Protein Shake - Chocolate, Sports Research Collagen Peptides, Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Milk, Coffee. 점심 식사: Radish, Baby Carrots , Great Value Romaine Lettuce, Great Value Fat Free Ranch, Mission Protein Plant Powered Tortilla, Trader Joe's Tri-Tip Steak . 저녁 식사: Brown Rice (Medium-Grain, Cooked) , Chop't Red Onion, Wellsley Farms Green Pepper, Chicken Breast. 간식/기타: Almonds , Peanut Butter, Celery , Dcm choc chip bars. 더보기
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33중 1에서 20
Good morning Diana, did you ask your doctor for the cough pearls. They are prescription. I can’t remember what they are called but if you want me to call my pharmacist and ask what my prescription is i will. They do help a bit with he coughing. They look a bit like fish eggs or fish oil. Also, you can flush your sinuses out with a neti pot. May help a small amount. Steroids are what put 80 pounds on me and it came on in less than a year 8 years ago. They are such a necessary evil with lung issues. Please please if you feel like it’s not better in next few days go back for an X-ray. Pneumonia is pretty common progression and quite dangerous for some of us….probably everyone actually. Ive had it so many times. Rest and fluids and steam are all your friends which I’m sure you know. You are using a humidifier? Saying a prayer for you to heal faster🥰 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Yearofhealth2023
The cough pearls are called Tessalon Perles. Yearofhealth2023, they look exactly as you described & do provide relief from bouts of coughing. Diana 1234. I'm hoping and praying that you feel better soon. As if you didn't feel bad enough with the respiratory stuff, the steroids make you feel pretty miserable in other ways.  
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: UK cats
YEP!!!! Thank you UK. That is what they are called. Diana, please get them they will truly help a small amount 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Yearofhealth2023
They are called Tesilon Pearls 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Kenna Morton
Oops spelling— they do work pretty good. They were uses a lot in the past and then they fell by the wayside in favor of more modern cough syrups . They are making a resurgence. My sister has been in the hospital and I was able to get the doctor to order them for her and the inpatient pharmacy actually had them. Just read up on the side effects and contraindications to see if any might apply to your situation. 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Kenna Morton
Saying a prayer, you continue to heal & feel better each day. If you feel like a little comfort food, it's OK to indulge yourself a little.  
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: SherryeB
I hope you feel better soon! 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: p$m
Oh no. I’m so sorry. Hopefully you will turn a corner soon and feel more like yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you have a little comfort food. You will get back in line soon. Prayers for healing. 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: 60s Mom
I was on steroids last fall for a couple of weeks and gained weight. They're notorious for that. You'll lose it soon enough. It's a bummer to go through though.  
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Hawksie63
Hope the meds facilitate a quick turnaround and you get well soon! 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: JanieSaisQuoi
So sorry you are feeling this yet! When will you be off the steroids?  
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Redporchlady
I hope you feel better soon! 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: moko 13
My husband and I both had RSV last fall; it was terrible! I understand your frustration.  
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Livintoday
Hope you feel better, this infection is going around with the sinuses 😞,my hubby has been sick like you over a week and now I think I have it🥺 Prayers 🙏🙏 for you to feel better. 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: cmj29
💚I’m sorry to hear it’s been dragging on for so long, and agree with YoH about going back to the doctor’s office— the antibiotics should have helped immensely within 2 days. Sucking on ice cubes helps me when my throat is raw from coughing. Sending love and peaceful sleep thoughts your way 💚 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: JustBananas
FWIW, when I get sinus infections I have to completely cut out all dairy for weeks or they just never completely clear up. No clue why, but I was glad once I figured it out. I hope you get rid of yours and feel better soon!! 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: TomLong
Partially because dairy can induce flem 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Yearofhealth2023
Wheezing and coughing are also symptoms of casein and whey allergies. 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: JustBananas
Thank you everyone for all the good advice. I try not to have whey or dairy products as I'm lactose sensitive. I can eat parm, feta, and small amounts of Greek yogurt. I do make my own protein bars with plant based protein. I'm able to tolerate whey in liquid protein drinks ( premier protein) but not all the time. I still keep having asthma attacks which cause such bad burning in my bronchial tubes. I find ginger, fire chai tea is very soothing to me so I've been drinking that a lot.💜💜💜 
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Diana 1234
Pineapple is also excellent for coughs because it contains bromelain.  
2023년 05월 8일 작성이: Kenna Morton



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