Nikina70님의 저널, 2022년 01월 7일

This morning I did:
Heather Robertson - 40 MIN Unilateral Leg Workout // Day 4 HR12WEEK 2.0
and then
PHOENIX NATION - 20 MIN Jump Rope Workout To Lose Weight

I don't have a skipping rope, but as long as I'm jumping it's all good and I like that it's not a lot of up and down or side to side.

The leg workout was great today too. I modified and did standing crunches and hammer curls when she did a standing and kneeling thing - wasn't feeling that today.

Calorie tracking has gone quite well this week, but the real challenge of the weekend awaits. I'll have to see how to work in things like a Christmas pudding that was reduced at Aldi and is thankfully vegan, which we'll probably have with custard made with soya milk. I think a portion of pudding alone is over 300 calories so I'll have to think about it.

Went for a walk on Wednesday, but then no activity at all yesterday. We'll have about a 30 minute walk this evening to play Canasta and we've just decided not to waste the good weather so we'll take a walk after lunch time. It's beautifully sunny today, but the forecast says 88% chance of rain tomorrow when we're booked for a longer group walk - will see if mother nature surprises us. Otherwise we'll probably fit one in on Sunday again.

The scale said 69.8kg first thing this morning, but then after my workout it said 69.4 and 69.6 in various different spots in the flat. I'll keep it in its regular place in future. The most level spot we usually keep it in means I need to close the blinds in order to not give the neighbours a show (not that anyone's really looking), but I was too lazy for that this morning so just moved it. When it was back in its regular spot and I was fully clothed it said 70kg, but this was also after 2 glasses of water so I'm fine with what I'm recording.

I'm going with the nice round 1kg loss, but I think I would have been quite happy even with the first reading. I think it's mostly water weight so next week might slow down a bit, which is all good. Hopefully this new year momentum can get me back to 68kg by the end of the month.

Hope you're all having a fabulous Friday and enjoy your weekends too! xxx
69.6 kg 지금까지 감소한: 16.4 kg.    남은양: 4.6 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2022년 01월 7일:
1642 kcal 지방: 57.82g | 단백질: 69.64g | 탄수화물: 210.40g.   아침 식사: The Foodie Market Flaxseed, Pink Lady Apples, Everyday Essentials Porridge Oats, Tap Water, Cinnamon, Applied Nutrition Vegan-Pro Chocolate, Acti Leaf Plain Soya Pot. 점심 식사: Acti Leaf Soya Milk, Sainsbury's Baby Leaf Spinach, Baked Sweetpotato (Peel Not Eaten, Fat Not Added in Cooking), Asda Free From Garlic & Herb Soft Cheese Alternative. 저녁 식사: Tesco Soft White Rolls, Bramwells Tomato Ketchup, Champion Curly Fries, Fry's Meat Free Golden Crumbed Schnitzel, Tomatoes, By Sainsbury's Sweet Chilli Sauce. 간식/기타: Silver Spoon Granulated Sugar, Merba Rainbow Cookies, Galaxy Vegan Instant Silky & Smooth Drink, Aldi Roasted Salted Peanuts, Nescafe Instant Coffee. 더보기
2156 kcal 운동: 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 1 시간, 줄넘기 - 15 분, 스트레칭 (요가) - 5 분, 웨이트 트레이닝 (적당한 무게) - 35 분, 휴식 - 14 시간   5 분, 숙면 - 8 시간. 더보기
주 1.0 kg 감소하기

22명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Good luck walking tomorrow Nikina!! I did that leg one yesterday. Wholly moly! AND. I did that weird and awfully challenging, standing and kneeling thing. 😓😓😓 I’m trying not to modify anything this round. Pushing myself to see what this baby can really do! 🤗💪🏻🦵🏻 
2022년 01월 7일 작성이: wifey9707
Bravo for doing those challenging moves, Wifey! I think I'm probably not using enough weight yet so will need to increase because I'm surprisingly un-sore today. Great that you are pushing yourself to new heights! 💪👏👍 
2022년 01월 8일 작성이: Nikina70



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