Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2021년 06월 20일

Discouraging day - day #50. My weight was actually up by "only" half a pound this morning (not unusual after a big drop like yesterday's 1.5 pounds). BUT, the new scale came yesterday, and it weighs me a FULL POUND higher than what my doctor's scale had been putting me at. So, Even though by the doctor scale I am 203 this morning, I went ahead and reported the 204, since that is the scale I will have to use for final weigh-in. TWO setbacks this week: First, I realized that I can't just get INTO the 199's, but that I have to be 199.0 or less to make my goal. Second, another pound added by having to use a digital scale. That's like finding out I have TWO MORE pounds to lose, making a total (AGAIN!) of FIVE POUNDS I need to lose in the next seven days.

Need some positive self-talk. "Casting all your care upon Him for he careth for you." "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me." "If you shall have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain be thou removed and be cast into the midst of the sea, and it will obey you." "According to your faith be it done unto you." "All things are possible unto them that believe." "My God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in time of need." "Ask, and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you."

Ok, that's a little better. Was losing hope for a minute there. 3.5 pounds to lose (yesterday) seemed doable. Five pounds to lose (today) seems so much more daunting. As it has been all along, this is going to be totally up to God to pull off! There's nothing I can do in my own strength to lose 5 pounds in 7 days. But, God can just as easily move a 5-pound "mountain" as He can a 3.5-pound one.

To my Christian friends, please remember me in prayer. To all my friends, your encouragement is very welcomed. To satan, "Get thee behind me!!!"
92.5 kg 지금까지 감소한: 24.9 kg.    남은양: 24.5 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 100%.
주 4.8 kg 증가하기

42명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

24중 1에서 20
Oh, btw (Snowwhite100), today is my birthday. Thanks for asking. I'm now 67 years old. And, Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there! 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: Debbie Cousins
Happy Birthday!! 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: Funshine59
Happy Birthday 🎈🎉🎈🎉 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: ridemariel
happy birthday's my brother in law's birthday too! great day, great people.  
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: zoebony
Happy Birthday! 🎈🎈💐 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: Javadali
Happy birthday! I am praying for you!! 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: crboyer2
Happy Birthday. Each scale seems to weigh differently, yyou can be heavier or lighter depending on the scales. You can do it.  
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: paula953
Happy Birthday 💝🎉⚖ Hope you get a loss as your gift! 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: SherryeB
Happy birthday! you're doing great! Inches lost is a non scale victory. You will get there. Always celebrate non scale victories.  
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: toeat4fuel
So sorry about the half-pound, and also the scale problem. When I bought a new scale two months ago I read reviews on Amazon. Forget about the five-star reviews and just read the one-star ones. Every scale under a couple of hundred dollars had numerous users that said their scale fluctuated and was unreliable. I'm sorry to say you can't count on a reasonably priced one to give accurate consistent numbers. Can you go back to the original idea of weighing on the digital scale you were originally going to weigh in on? Also, I was going to wait another couple of days to ask this next question. Can you stop the salt a couple of days before the weigh-in? I understand that you may not feel as well for a couple of days but it sure can add at least a pound. Have you picked out the lightest weight clothes you own yet for your weigh-in? No need for under-clothes. If my husband wore boxers I would be weighing those to see if I had anything lighter. It doesn't have to be anything I'd want to wear on the street. Happy Birthday. I'm sorry this is stressful, and I am praying for you. 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: Snowwhite100
I am so proud and inspired by you and your journey keep kicking ass  
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: angele364
Thanks, @Snowwhite100 - Quitting the salt is an excellent idea! I hadn't thought of that. I will definitely do that after Wednesday. Yes, I have a pair of lightweight pajamas that I plan to wear. The ones I've been wearing are all a little heavier. To all the rest of my friends and supporters, thank you so much for the birthday wishes, prayers and encouragement! 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: Debbie Cousins
Happy Birthday Debbie 🎉💃🕊 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: Sarah1950
Well done Debbie, and Happy Birthday! I missed a challenge goal by 1/2 a pound because my doctor's scale was 1/2 pound heavier than mine! 1/2 LB!!! I did not receive my $2,500 refund for 1/2 pound! I was angry until I realized I had lost 65lbs and felt the best I ever have in 30 years. I gained back 30lbs since then and now am slowly working on becoming my best self, weight, vitality, emotionally. You are an inspiration to us Debbie. I will pray for the completion of this part of your journey today at church. May you be happy and peaceful in this moment and may you continue your journey in God's sweet love and in His care. Blessings! 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: PattiOB
Happy birthday Debbie, I'm pulling for you, hope you make your goal! 🌈🌈🌈 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: shirfleur 1
Good luck! Keep showing up! 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: Triangle-Woman
Sounds like you’re doing an amazing job, try not to obsess over the extra pound here or there. I’m the same way so I only weigh in every few days. Keep up the great work- 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: Tessa2021
if your scale is off a pound from your doctor's office's, your new one may need to be calibrated. my scale did the same thing until i cleaned dirt out of one of the feet, and has been working fine since. 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: sasquatch753
A pound off difference from your doctors scale is nothing to worry about… no big deal! My scale usually registers 5 lb difference. Hang in there and STAY POSITIVE. Happy Birthday… celebrate your awesome self. You care… you care about yourself and want to eat healthier and feel better and that means everything! Peace and blessings. Keep going on your journey, you have a many who are with you, on this same path! 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: milaneasy
You can do this Debbie!!! 
2021년 06월 20일 작성이: Texasgranny6



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