Nikina70님의 저널, 2020년 02월 14일

Tracked reasonably well this week, but no sense in tracking this weekend as we're eating out too much and it's always an effort to try to guess things that don't have nutritional info online not to mention trying to guess how many grams things are so I'll just start again by keeping my calories around 1400 Monday to Thursday next week and should be able to keep them around 1700 average daily next week too as we have no plans for next weekend. For this weekend I'll just try to make healthier choices and perhaps I'll fit a workout in too as I did last Sunday.

Last week my calories came to 1860/day.

I'm quite happy to be back to where I was before my birthday weekend so onward to 65kg before the end of the month. Last week I actually did 120 mins of YouTube strength workouts, but this week so far none. Felt a bit of a twinge in my right knee and didn't want to make it worse so also shifted the rugby field days, but still got two of those in besides our daily walks to the shops.

This week I tried an experiment of not having my usual glass of cordial at lunch time and glass of sugar free soda at dinner time and just had water instead. Not sure if that would actually make a huge difference, but I'm not ready to give those up fully yet so will see how things go this week. I used to buy Slimsy cordial, which was my favourite lower calorie drink, but it's just a bit too pricey - I'd rather spend that money on ground flaxseed for my cereal or something like that, which has far more health benefits. I do think the cordial I'm drinking now is just empty calories though so I might try to give them up for good, but I love that ginger beer flavour too much - maybe change to once or twice a week. Hope everyone's having a lovely Valentine's Day!
65.9 kg 지금까지 감소한: 20.1 kg.    남은양: 0.9 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2020년 02월 14일:
1767 kcal 운동: 달리기(조깅) - 8km/h - 15 분, 걷기 (중간) - 5km/h - 15 분, 휴식 - 15 시간   30 분, 숙면 - 8 시간. 더보기
주 0.4 kg 감소하기

26명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Happy belated Birthday! 
2020년 02월 14일 작성이: Sugar Waffle
Thanks so much Sugar Waffle! 
2020년 02월 14일 작성이: Nikina70
Happy birthday! You are doing so well. Hmmm, the cordial might surprise you. I gave up mayo when joining FS, and it made such a huge difference. 100 calories a day adds up. Good luck! :0) 
2020년 02월 16일 작성이: binkytexas
Thanks BinkyTexas. Yes, 100 calories a day does add up so I'm still considering it. I don't think I could ever give up mayo though so I'm lucky that there's a south african company that makes a reduced oil one that tastes great to me. You're doing so well too! 
2020년 02월 17일 작성이: Nikina70



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