FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 02월 21일

Either the scale is enjoying the break from the daily weigh in as much as I am or lifting it off the chair and putting it on the floor then returnjng it to the chair once a week burns more calories than stepping on & off it 5 times a day.

Or maybe my laundry room has less gravity than the bathroom?

What if there's a black hole in there that sucks away pounds to the same place where all those extra socks go? LOL :-)
91.6 kg 지금까지 감소한: 37.6 kg.    남은양: 10.0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2013년 02월 21일:
1385 kcal 지방: 75.50g | 단백질: 95.50g | 탄수화물: 97.16g.   아침 식사: Muesli, Nostimo, Flax Seed, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal, Coffee. 점심 식사: Portabella Mushrooms, Avocado, John Soules Chicken, John Soules Beef. 저녁 식사: John Soules Beef, John Soules Chicken, Avocado, Portabella Mushrooms. 간식/기타: Sartori, Simply Kraft Cottage Cheese, Smart Balance Peanut Butter, Dark Chocolate Almond Spread , Blackberries, Strawberries. 더보기
2078 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기
주 1.2 kg 감소하기


Congratulations! Wow, you are doing awesome. You are so close to that magic 'underland' of 199. Won't be long at this rate.  
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: sarahsmum
You are doing so well! Do you think it just misses you and does what you want it to so you will return again next week? Teehee! 
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: RiverRes
LOL your too funny.....Thanks for the laugh...:O) 
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: BHA
For 3 pounds mine can go to the garage or even the backyard!! You are doing so good, congrats. 
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: 2toofat
@Isabel - thank you. @Paula - yeah, that could be it .. it was taking me for granted when I visited it daily @Bren - thank you and you're welcome. @Sandi - in case you're wondering again, no, I didn't cheat and step on it during the week, LOL. Thanks again everyone. Bella 
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: FullaBella
I'd happily give up a few socks if they took a few pounds with them ;) Congrats on the loss - you're obviously doing something worthy of the scale's approval.  
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: evelyn64
You are doing incredible! So inspiring! Keep up the amazing work! You'll be at your goal in no time! :D 
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: gabbygabby
You are AMAZING!!!  
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: Rubie-sue
This is a good thing! Enjoy your much deserved success! 
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: Neptunebch
@Evelyn - had to laugh at the idea of you sacrificing a pair of socks for Damien :-) @Gabby - thank you ~ I'm actually at my goal, eating and not starving. That number is just a number. @Rubie Sue - thank you hon. I often mimic your 'boxing' when I'm walking on my treadmill - I tell ya, if I ever connect with something.. I hope I move 'it'. @Neptune - thank you my beautiful Ann Margaret lookalike :-) 
2013년 02월 21일 작성이: FullaBella
Woohoo! Congratulations! I like the black hole idea...hmmm, what else could we relegate back there :-)  
2013년 02월 22일 작성이: Baxie



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