FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 10월 31일

1lb gain - Hopefully temporary but I have vowed to track the bad with the good so I don't bury head in sand and ignore it to the point where I continue going in the wrong direction.
113.4 kg 지금까지 감소한: 15.9 kg.    남은양: 31.8 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 10월 31일:
1331 kcal 지방: 30.32g | 단백질: 87.59g | 탄수화물: 195.51g.   아침 식사: stoney, coffee, flax, quaker oatmeal. 점심 식사: salsa, salad, grape tomato, kosher pickle spear, starkist albacore tuna. 저녁 식사: Smart Squeeze Butter, wheat bread, Egg White Omlette 1 Egg Plus 4 Eggwhite w/lowfat Cheese, pickle. 간식/기타: fiber one, granny smith apple, dannon greek. 더보기
3453 kcal 운동: 책상 업무 - 6 시간, 앉아있기 - 7 시간, 휴식 - 3 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간. 더보기
주 1.6 kg 증가하기


FB I weigh and record everyday - sometimes have fluctuations of 4+ pounds - don't sweat them, just stay on track and it all evens out in the end :) 
2012년 10월 31일 작성이: triaby
FB, we are here to support you. So glad you are not letting this bring you down. That is an accomplishment on its own. GO FB! 
2012년 10월 31일 작성이: Liz Chaffin
Thank you both ~ it was like a weird punishment because I had a HUGE BINGE urge last night and fought it and won only to wake to 1lb up? But I think it's my body & mind struggling over winning this battle and this little test of the wills vs results will not deter me. I also think it could be my cheap sunbeam scale and have said when I reach the 50% mark of my journey and hit that inevitable plateau I will invest in a better scale so that I don't panic over the mechanical inaccuracies :-) Just the real ones! 
2012년 10월 31일 작성이: FullaBella



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