Cici-HappyTracking님의 저널, 2012년 09월 25일

Back in the saddle again...have not had bread, candy or sweets for a week. Have had three Diet 7-ups and two popcycles- these don't have sugar....and have had too many Atkins Nut Rolls....but just wanted to focus on getting off carbs this success. Lost 2 to 3 pounds....this week, so actually very happy...since the carb. craving are beginning to die. Goal is to begin some sourt of resistant training and regular cardio; think I'll aim realistically as I work it in to habit....maybe shoot for 4 times per week walk hills or Nia and three times per week weighs.
63.3 kg 지금까지 감소한: 0 kg.    남은양: 6.6 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 적용하지않음.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 09월 25일:
711 kcal 지방: 44.25g | 단백질: 45.73g | 탄수화물: 33.06g.   아침 식사: coffee, strawberrys, almond milk, egg white, eggs, half and half. 점심 식사: berry medley (75 g), jay robb, almond milk, fish oil. 간식/기타: peanuts, almonds. 더보기
주 0.1 kg 증가하기




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