liv001님의 저널, 2023년 01월 2일

I was asked if I had any goals for the new year and I said no but then I got thinking why not. I am struggling with completing my strength workouts so why not make goals.

January goals improve on these baselines

Pushups 10
Lunges 15
Plank 90 seconds.

40명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

I like your goals..... might try them myself! 
2023년 01월 2일 작성이: 3dkids2
I'm in. You're on. I need to get strength workouts going. Thanks for the nudge! 
2023년 01월 2일 작성이: writingwyo
Thanks guys. The more the merrier. I forgot my last goal. To do the crow yoga position. That would be my first ever crow if I make it 
2023년 01월 2일 작성이: liv001
Happy New Year, Liv! 
2023년 01월 2일 작성이: Katsolo
Those are fine goals. The great thing is that as you add more reps, your confidence increases, motivating you to keep trying. 💚💪🏻 
2023년 01월 2일 작성이: JustBananas
I love these goals! I decided instead of a New Years Resolution to do a monthly mini goal and do it for 30 days. I signed my 4th year contract with my gym and trainer but was thinking what else can I do so you gave me inspiration to add some things in addition to my 3 day workouts.  
2023년 01월 2일 작성이: Redporchlady
Plank 90 seconds is a great goal - I suck at it! I can barely do 30 seconds! 
2023년 01월 2일 작성이: HCB
These are great goals Liv001 have a wonderful New Year.  
2023년 01월 4일 작성이: buenitabishop
That’s good. The normal New Year’s goals seem so over done. 
2023년 01월 4일 작성이: Bliss2Jessie
very good! 
2023년 01월 5일 작성이: sugarplum_



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