Nikina70님의 저널, 2022년 03월 8일

This morning I did:
Juice & Toya - 20 Minute Upper Body Dumbbell Workout [Build Muscle & Strength]

Had to try to get back to it after last week there were just not enough hours in the day (or so it seemed). Sorry to Suma for letting the side down! We can still do this though! And thanks to yfritz for noticing my absence! :)

I can only hope that the week of 'rest' is somehow a good thing, but whatever it is - it's in the past now. Even if I only managed 20 minutes this morning it's something. And it's bright and sunny today and work is not too hectic so far - so I'll go for a nice walk for an hour before dinner.

Hubby and I did a lovely walk along a canal looking at the narrowboats on Sunday afternoon. Thankfully his back is a bit better and I'm hoping it will keep improving so we can go on some longer outings. It was a bit windy and chilly, but the sun was shining so we had a soft serve ice-cream with flake 99 as a treat before heading back. Not sure why I didn't take any photos again besides a couple of bad ones of a channel we follow on youtube - their two boats to be exact. They weren't home or might have been having their Sunday afternoon nap, but it was still fun to see the boats as we've been watching for a couple of years now.

Other than that I wasn't too bad over the weekend so it was technically a week of maintenance. Average daily calories came to 1885 so that's not bad at all. Don't know if I'll ever get it back to 1700, but will keep trying. If I can get back to 3 walks and 3 youtube workouts a week again (however long for now) I'll be happy.

Hope you all have a lovely Tuesday! xxx

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2022년 03월 8일:
1499 kcal 지방: 48.92g | 단백질: 73.18g | 탄수화물: 198.21g.   아침 식사: Ginger (Ground), Applied Nutrition Vegan-Pro Vanilla, Sainsbury's Smooth Peanut Butter, Warburtons Soft Brown Sandwich Thins, Bananas, Cinnamon, Asda Plain Soya Yogurt Alternative, Tap Water. 점심 식사: Acti Leaf Soya Milk, Amy's Kitchen Lentil Vegetable Soup, Asda Free From Garlic & Herb Soft Cheese Alternative, Warburtons Soft Brown Sandwich Thins. 저녁 식사: Aldi Tropical Blast Zero Sugar, Aldi Baby Spinach , Stir Fried Noodles with Vegetables, Tree of Life Soya Chunks. 간식/기타: Sainsbury's Custard Doughnut, Nescafe Instant Coffee. 더보기
1867 kcal 운동: 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 50 분, 웨이트 트레이닝 (적당한 무게) - 20 분, 휴식 - 14 시간   50 분, 숙면 - 8 시간. 더보기

28명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

I was thinking I hadn’t read your updates recently. And here’s one. Will read it carefully as I find them so motivating. Hope you’re having a fabulous week x 
2022년 03월 9일 작성이: suma-ya-c
Have just finished reading it. Hope your husband back improves soon. We all need a week of rest…mine is turning into a year of rest so far😂😂. I find warmer weather can sometimes make all the difference. It’s miserable and cold here…I get so excited when I see daffodils or any blooms peeking through. 
2022년 03월 9일 작성이: suma-ya-c
Aah Suma! Thank you so much for your lovely comments! Yes, seeing those signs of spring are so uplifting. We actually saw some daffodils on Saturday too and I said to my husband - I'm not sure what those are called, but I'm gonna call them daffodils until I find out. So when you mentioned them now I've just looked them up and it's exactly the flowers we saw. They are so pretty! And I find it so funny that I had the name right - no idea where I know that from... I was looking at last year's calendar yesterday and I was doing an average of 180 minutes of exercise a week back then. Now I'm struggling to do even 60 and I do put it down to the weather/season. I hope we can both wade through this funk and get back to more consistency when the clocks change at the end of the month. But starting to make some of those good changes now will be all the better. I love reading your updates too so I'll look out for one, but no pressure! Wishing you a fabulous week too! ☀️💕 
2022년 03월 9일 작성이: Nikina70
They are just the most cheerful flowers aren’t they? I can’t help but smile when I see them. There’s a poem that I learnt in school …an ode to daffodils, I think it’s called…it is very apt. And I’d never seen daffodils until I moved here too. In a strange way, I was mentally in a better place in lockdown…and more focused. Was definitely working out more and consistently last year…it has felt like a long winter this year. Now life is back to its breakneck speed and finding time seems tricky. Not suggesting lockdown was good, just different xx 
2022년 03월 9일 작성이: suma-ya-c
I know what you mean about lockdown Suma! Hope we will both find the time to enjoy those daffodils a bit more! ☀️💕 
2022년 03월 10일 작성이: Nikina70
Good for you. Never stop striving to do more Nikina!! Hope hubby’s back continues improving. I had back surgery at 14 years old. I know back issues all too well. xo 
2022년 03월 10일 작성이: wifey9707
Aah Wifey - so glad you are so active and mobile even with your back issues. You are an inspiration! I think if my hubby did some daily stretching and worked on strengthening his core he would be much better off, but he doesn't want to hear it. Yes, I'll keep striving to do more - haven't given up yet! xxx 
2022년 03월 10일 작성이: Nikina70
Your walk sounded lovely! 💗 
2022년 03월 10일 작성이: Gib_Jig
Thank you Gib! Yes it was. Not that long and the weather wasn't the best, but I'm glad we ventured out.  
2022년 03월 12일 작성이: Nikina70



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