FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 11월 8일

Well, I could certainly sense your good juju today - not a fortune but some decent trades. Food wise I was better with portion and mindfulness today. A constant series of ‘Yes...But’ such as:

*Yes I had a sausage & egg burrito BUT I ate it slowly and mindfully
*Yes, I gave into intoxicating scent of BBQ & potato salad BUT it was a very tiny serving - so small he didn’t want to charge me
*Yes, I had a cocktail while I soaked in the tub this eve BUT it was only one

It goes without saying ‘no structured exercise BUT a lot of lifting and standing all day. Plus a few trots with Mushy in our free time.

Mostly unrelated but it does fit in here as I tend to eat when I feel physically or emotionally threatened - my stalker (weirdo guy who wrote my name on money) was there BUT regardless, I didn’t overeat, swallow my nerves or try to grow my outer shell of protection. It helped to have Number One Grandson with me today, all 6'3” of him.

Plans to go to an outdoor art fair with Grace tomorrow. That should have a lot of walking. Writing that reminded me of the great smell of food outdoors. Will exercise mindfulness and enjoy it all with more than just eating.

Have a wonderful Sunday. I’m going to go try to pass out now.

11명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

2014년 11월 8일 작성이: ClassicRocker
Love your post. Hits home for me as well as the pic. Thanks for sharing. Ditto CR. 
2014년 11월 8일 작성이: kattay
Bella, your day sounds like it was a good one. I also gave in to fast food yesterday, realized at 12:30 sitting on the highway, stopped dead due to an accident ahead I'd forgotten to eat again. I remembered thinking oatmeal would be a good change for breakfast on a chilly morning, never did make any. Burger king was close to my destination so a little hamburger from the value menu tided me over.  
2014년 11월 9일 작성이: wholefoodnut
Enjoy your Sunday! I certainly did think of you yesterday and send out positive vibes. 
2014년 11월 9일 작성이: Sweet Ce
Sounds like a simply marvelous day...Moderation is the key...right?? We can't deny ourselves all the wonderful pleasures..Oh and what would a hot tub be without a wonderful cocktail? Happy Sunday Bella!!  
2014년 11월 9일 작성이: chattycathy1955
You have a great Sunday too Bella :-) 
2014년 11월 9일 작성이: snezica
You seem to have an interesting life. Not everyone has a stalker who writes their target of opportunity's name on money. Next time, you ought to have him write "his" name on a $100 bill and give it to you to remember him by. I have a lot of those "Yes . . . buts" also. How's that working out for you? For me, not so good; I'm not very convincing. :) 
2014년 11월 10일 작성이: DairyKing
Why does the weirdo stalker write your name on money? Is it to remind himself to stalk you? I wonder what would happen if instead of writing his name on money to give to him you wrote another man or woman's name. It's strange but sounds like something I'd have way too much fun messing with. Way to go being mindful! Hopefully it rubs off on me. I need to get my butt into gear. 
2014년 11월 10일 작성이: Ms Elizabeth
Thanks everyone. Jeri, the breakfast burrito wasn't 'fast' food technically; it was the concession guy at the show and I like to believe it was a little more wholesome (I am easily convinced, LOL) as well as his BBQ. DK & DFW the stalker is a weird customer of mine. I have his name & phone number and have shared it with Grace as to be the first to question if I come to harm. My name on his money is his weird way of earmarking his shopping cash. I'm going to play Pollyanna and presume he does the same with all his spending. Yup... I'm gullible. 
2014년 11월 10일 작성이: FullaBella
Ahhh, like me and my little Mexican shops with tamales and store made tortillas 
2014년 11월 10일 작성이: wholefoodnut



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