FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 08월 18일

Yep... it's one of those posts from me. Another cut & paste day because I've tried composing my own journal but the words... they just aren't there. So stop reading now or just:


This morning began much like:


and pretty much stayed in this mode all day even though I'm not in a bad mood ~ just:


I tried getting my July books done but even that ended up:


and hoping I get sleep tonight rather than my standard:


that results in realizing it's time to get up I feel like


Yesterday was total disconnect day with the storms outside and phone unplugged inside. I watched 'Beaches' hoping for another cathartic emotional vent but nada, zip. I posted a Geneed Roth story in the forums about driving in the rain for truffles and tested my own craving for ice cream... would I walk for chocolate?


So I'd come here off and on and read journals and posts about exercise but generally my reaction was:


Because I was reminiscing about the first night I brought my treadmill home and learned 'you don't close your eyes on it while rocking out to the tunes!'


Especially as I hung my foot on the corner just WALKING in the house .. and broke my TOE! So not only no treadmill.. I know.. most of you are thinking 'oh, wah, you broke your toe'..


And this girl... well.. there are no words. Well, there are words but FS would convert them to pound signs so .... never mind...


I do think about some of the journals here I read where people think that last 5lbs is going to make them happy. I don't want to tell them:


but then again, if you're one of them reading my journal.. well..


But back to exercise... besides using that activity ball as a foot rest.. I realized it could really be effective this way if only Mushy were a little better with her toss


Because I do need to find a way to exercise a little if only for vanity


So that if I do ever have a sleep over it doesn't end up with shrieking


I need to get an aquarium for Alec. I promised if he lived two months I'd move him on up to the real thing. A promise is a promise but everytime I read reviews online it seems most pumps are too powerful for feeding or housing Beta's. So this is keeping me awake at night worrying about my future.


Anyway ... thanks for stopping by ... visiting with me. I'm really happy about it. Really.


But I'm done now.


다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2014년 08월 18일:
1346 kcal 지방: 55.76g | 단백질: 52.91g | 탄수화물: 154.98g.   아침 식사: Chicken Tortellini Soup, Apples, Coffee-Mate Hazelnut Coffee Creamer, Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. 더보기

12명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Does your toe actually hurt? I'm just curious because mine go numb.. when I break them. Huh.. that sounds entirely too common when you put it that way but it's true. Like my finger.. I think I broke that when it went numb only because now a month later it looks a little crooked.. and when I bump it well then it hurts a little. Just curious. Hubby think's I'm strange. He broke a collar bone and didn't know it though so I think he's strange. Too bad things can't go numb when you give birth.. oh wait they do.. after that lovely man with the giant needle comes to visit you. I love that man. I should name the baby after him.  
2014년 08월 19일 작성이: Ms Elizabeth
Oh, Bella, you never cease to put a smile on my face! Thank you for inspiration! onward. 
2014년 08월 19일 작성이: kclab
Yeah, Elizabeth, it hurts so I know it really wasn't broken .. probably just jammed. I should stop stomping in boredom today too.. that would probably help. Can one get a frontal epidural? Going out to amazon again. Thanks KClab... it is my goal to make people laugh. Maybe pee a little. LOL 
2014년 08월 19일 작성이: FullaBella
I love your sense of humor! Thanks I needed that! Also... after reading your profile, I connected with so many of your "Mantra's. I especially liked "Food is my friend, and I need to choose my friends carefully." Good one for me to remember! Thanks! Like you, I'm a great looser of weight, and have always put it all back on and more. I could write a book on weight loss, but until I respect myself, and put myself first for once, I'll never keep the weight off. Respecting myself is as much as a work out everyday as doing sit ups. I have always put others first, but I'm going first now. I'm just as worthy as the next person. You are too! Keep up the good humor! 
2014년 08월 20일 작성이: kathyeastlick



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