FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 07월 11일

Wow - I think we all had a tough week or something because every single journal referenced a TGIF. No exception here.

The good news is Mushy and I both slept thru the night, finally. So this is how the 'Non' Walking Dead feel? Hmm.. Feels a little hungover.

If you're wondering, no, I didn't have wine last night. I think this is the lingering effects of a food coma. I think the depleted energy wiped out my resolve and I fell face down into fried chicken, potato logs, potato salad, two cookies and an entire pan (5) grands cinnamon rolls with creme cheese frosting. Yeah. An. Entire. Pan.

The only proud thing I have to report about that is I don't have to restart the clock on my past 'binge & purge' habit. I did the binge but I sat with it. Slept with it. While that doesn't help my weight loss.. at least I feel a little better knowing I'm not giving into my old bad eating disorder habits.

And ironic, as I know that 1550 calories in one setting (pan of rolls) was too much to eat in calories it didn't make my stomach hurt, feel overly full, none of that.

I'll confess... that part.. alarmed me. So much so that I began considering the semantics of this whole thing.

I recall there is post out there about the 'thin me vs fat me' and some people used 'healthy me vs unhealthy me' in their answers and others even wrote 'new me vs old me'.

Thinking about that.. I feel I may be RIGHTONTHEEDGE of breaking thru this phase of my weight loss that has been my downfall over and over again in the past.

So the following is the conversation I had in my head this morning and am now going to work thru in my journal. The questions are rhetorical.. just my exercise process.


New me vs Old me. When does the new me BECOME the OLD me and now I want to do something new, different, etc., and that leads to going in the opposite direction??

Because, I Can't eat LESS..on a good day that is, of course. YES, I have to eat less than I did yesterday, no argument.

I read over and over here about people dropping their caloric intake to less and less to get off that last 10 pounds. I know that won't work for me. History.

Why of all things, of all reasons, did I do that? I can't undo it. All I can do, as one of my lesson's this week instructed, is examine the mistake and learn from it.

WHY am I now thinking the 'old' me was the healthy one and the 'new' me is the one that picks up fried chicken at the grocery deli? Is this how I stretch... LOL... both emotionally AND physically?

Okay, I remember this. Back in the B&P phase of my weight loss.. when I'd get so hungry I'd go OUT in public and EAT like.. a triple cheese burger, fries, a whole pizza, etc., and have people wonder about how I ate that much and was still So THIN ... or at least.. I HOPED that's what they thought... while I slipped off to the bathroom and puked my guts out.. that was my maintenance.

I can't do that again. I don't WANT to do that again. But I wonder if that's what my 'other brain' was testing me last night?

Then again.. I've been HERE too. This part where as the weight came back I'd joke 'I'm bulimic.. I'm just not very good at it...' Sick joke. But eating disorders are a sickness like any other alcoholism, gambling, etc., so I I qualify. And like any other person in recovery, I have earned the right to laugh at myself.

So... spinning the history wheel.. feels like wheel of fortune and I'm clapping 'big breakthru, big breakthru'... where am I going to end up?

Old me? New me? Healthy? Overweight? Happy? Disappointed?

Where will I find my spark?

I will NOT set my eating rules on FEAR of gaining weight... that is definitely a recipe for disaster.

I nearly climbed on the treadmill this morning in punishment for the rolls. 'Well, B... you did the crime, now do the time.' But I am so TRYING to find the JOY in movement, not the obligation of it.

I know, this is long. It's rambling. But I feel I am on the edge of breaking thru my trap, my prison that has held me for four decades. Gain and lose. Binge and purge. Gain and health suffers. Lose and maintain my health. Where's the answer?

I read. Listen. Real people here...journals.. advice. I soak up every ounce of inspiration I can find.

It has to come from me. This is the phase that I am most dangerous. I KNOW THIS.

It's really SAD for me that losing weight has always been so easy. IT's keeping it OFF that I fail.

A dear friend here recently shared an experience wherein someone shared with her that ' there is nothing harder than for a narcissistic woman to age. People who are outwardly beautiful have to work extremely hard not to be a face and a body and nothing more. You have to spend your life learning to be a person and not to use your beauty. It has to become your handicap, your disability, or you will use it like a crutch'.

Ok. Translate beauty to narcissism about weight loss. I've always been able to drop 100lbs w/in a few months. It makes me the center of attention to be such a big loser. But it has become my crutch.

I need to be something more than the woman who lost all that weight. That's my inspiration.

I need to become 'that woman who lost that weight, regained her health, and maintained it thru everything else.'

Weight... can't be my crutch.

Or .. my armor.

I have been struggling in another way this week.. and I am going to stop hiding from it by putting it out here to the universe.

I felt pressure. Pressure from someone who's implying they want intimacy. I'm not ready for it. But I've never been the person to say that. A victim since childhood.... I've never been skilled at saying 'NO MEANS NO'.

I've been indirect. I've been using words like 'honor' and 'integrity'. I've said 'I'm still grieving despite my positive exterior'. Now I just have to say it. Outloud. No means No.

And I'm really pretty freaking angry at being put in that position. Of not being heard. Of having to be so blunt at a time when I prefer to be polite.

So.. the 'new/old' me.. the struggle.. the uneasiness of my body .. .and I had the perfect storm.

STILL.. not one to be dealt with using food. No. Where were the paints? The flowers? Anything but food.

Oh, yeah.. the new me used all those up. The new me became the old me and needed a new go to.

I feel refreshed with this journal. I feel clearer because I do not have a therapist to say these things outloud although sometimes I agree, it would probably help.

And as another dear friend here implied.. I am a nervous person who cherishes the anonymity offered here. I get it out and don't have to see that person who heard all of this .. at the grocery.

Then again, maybe I do. I don't know where all of you are. And maybe I need to remember that.

Once a secret is out.. the pressure is off. Maybe I'll just take out a front page ad in the local paper.. say 'I need HELP' .. and let the chips fall where they may. After all .. all these secrets haven't helped in the past.

The new me. Who will she be today?

Thank you.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2014년 07월 11일:
1750 kcal 지방: 109.35g | 단백질: 66.00g | 탄수화물: 153.35g.   아침 식사: Trail Mix with Chocolate Chips, Salted Nuts and Seeds, Mezzetta Sweet Cherry Peppers, Mt. Olive Pepperoncini, International Delight French Vanilla Coffee Creamer, Land O'Lakes Unsalted Sweet Butter, Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Apples, Baby Spinach, Pickles, Tomatoes, Mayonnaise, Cheddar Cheese, Schwan's Filet Mignon, Sylvia's Specially Seasoned Collard Greens. 더보기

12명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Thank you for sharing, especially about the BP. When you mentioned punishing yourself by treadmill, it occurred to me that I frequently do this. I ate 1/2 a cookie: I am now obligated to run two extra miles. Realizing that exercise should be enjoyed not something you're obliged to do is something that I must fine tune myself. As to the Fella, put niceties aside. You owe him nothing, not even kind dismissals if he has failed to respectfully acknowledge your hints of disinterest.  
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: 2ManyCurves
Dearest Bella - what a powerful journal from a power woman on a powerful journey to selfhood. I often listen (repeatedly) to the song by Sara Bareilles, 'Brave'. "Say what you wanna say, let the words fall out, honestly...Nothing's gonna hurt you, the way the words do, when they settle 'neath your skin, kept on the inside, no sunlight, sometimes the shadow wins..But I wonder what would happen if you SAY what you wanna say..." And later: "Show me - HOW BIG YOUR BRAVE IS!" Look it up on youtube. There's an amazing video with it. I reapeat it over & over. I listened to it like 10 times last year before I ended things w/ lunkhead, I needed to be brave and this helped me say what I wanted to say... Love you. Keep comin' back. 
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: Sweet Ce
And, I find that sometimes my not wanting to have to be blunt, can be good. I can say what I want to say the way I want to say it - kindly and directly. "I'm not interested. Let's not have this conversation again. Thanks." I don't have to make him or anyone else feel good. And, honestly, I not capable of that. I can only take care of me.  
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: Sweet Ce
I agree..if the Bella fella is worth it, he will wait if/when you are ready. On the binge, it's okay. You did it, it cannot undone, but I am SOOOO PROUD of you for not doing the purge portion of the program. Clap! Clap! Clap! I think you have broken thru the destructive cycle and now realize YOU ARE VALUABLE..you chose not to punish yourself or hurt yourself for your slip, and Bella, that is major progress in terms of this disease. You said you dont want to be the woman who lost all that weight, and nothing else.......You are so much more!!! You build alot of us up, you make us think, you make us laugh, you hold a mirror up to us.....you are an amazing woman and you are strong, and you are a person I feel privileged to have as a buddy on here. Hugs to you and Mushy :) 
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: notjune1
Bella - I was reading some of the comments you've put on others posts today and I wanted to find a way to tell you how much I admire your spirit, your wit, your care for others, and your advice. Please don't get too down for too long about your own demons, and I hope someone can give you a great piece of motivation like you give to so many others here. My advise on the food note - I, too, have weaknesses for 'unhealthy' food. My only resolve is that I don't bring it in my house. It's been the only cure for what I lack in willpower. But back to you...please know that I think you are inspiring. Better days ahead. 
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: mgrill
Yes, sweet friend & Angel, what a powerful look at yourself! You have come so far and I agree that you are on the brink of another new you. I know all too well how easy it is to fall back into old habits, especially during stressful times, which you're obviously under now with this unwelcome attention. But in the mindful way, you are learning the lesson from your eating which will help in the future as stress arises again. I was intrigued by your comment that your stomach didn't hurt or feel overfull as I've found the same in my recent eating episodes. How can it be that something the size of a fist can accept so much so willingly without fighting back? I've been thinking it was a sign for me that I still restrict too much, thereby setting myself up to overeat. More to ponder! xoxox  
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: Ruhu
@2mc - yeah, it has been a long habit of mine to punish myself for what I feel wasn't 'right'. And I have always hated exercise and do NOT want to pull that out as my whipping stick when I'm trying so hard to make it my 'joy'. I think that's why the purge was an easier punishment because it does hurt physically and mentally. But it cannot be the answer either. @Ce - I have tears in my eyes from watching the video. I have it looping now on my laptop and have danced in my own aisles a few times. Love it. Thank you. I think that's why I use FS so much - I just journal and let the words fall out. I feel lighter emotionally with every journal and it's because I know I have so many dear friends here understanding me and helping me move out of the shadows and stand in the sun. @June - Nodding.. I know .. it happened and despite the negative nutrition it's opened me up to thinking about things in a different way. @MGrill - thank you too for the kind words. I felt I'd reached a point where I could make conscious decisions about food. Whether it was one roll or the whole thing eating it when I wasn't hungry or satisfying a craving was the unhealthy part. While it's less destructive, binging on celery is still an eating disorder binge. What I did was a conscious choice to abuse myself.. this had nothing to do with resisting temptation. If I hadn't of had the can of rolls to bake.. I'd have been putting them together homemade or some other equally 'too much of anything' attempt to be self destructive. Had there not been one scrap of food in here.. I'd have ordered it. It's not the 'what' for me.. it's how I handle it. Last night .. wasn't stellar. But it was last night. @Angel - you know.. I was thinking about the 'fist' analogy and agree... how are our stomachs expanding w/o hurting as they would have in the past. Definitely the whole pan of rolls was bigger than my fist. What happened? Maybe that's it. Maybe it's not getting enough 'testing' so maybe if I had mashed up the rolls into a big ball they'd have - without the air, only been the size of my stomach? But that 'FIST' comparison struck me thinking about the whole ... fist period. Tight grip? Holding on too tight? A lot more to think about. Maybe we need to find something about the size of our fist w/o it representing the tones that accompany a 'fist'. Just a thought as I continue on my path toward understanding myself.  
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: FullaBella
I love witnessing your journey. Your transition is a positive one of constant growth and change. You continue to progress and seek balance and even if you stumble along the way you are learning what works for you. I discover so much from reading your journals that I can apply to my own life. I’m thankful for finding this site because of the connections that are built here. I’ve definitely found a FS sister named Bella. Maybe in anonymous form but still so much better than the ones I see daily. You are very special and deserve great things, Bella. You are in control of your timeline. And dag on right! No means no! 
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: ChicaLean
Bella, maybe the pressure you've been feeling to get involved with the person led you to binging? I know how hard it is to feel controlled by someone and not wanting to be direct. They should get the hint, right? Some people don't pick up on hints, so you have to be more clear with them. Maybe if you resolve this issue with the person, you will feel more at peace and will be able to make more mindful decisions with food. You were probably stuffing your feelings (frustration?) with the cinnamon rolls. Stuffing the bad feelings by filling yourself with something sweeter. Big kudos for not purging. I can imagine how hard that must have been. That takes strength. You should be proud of yourself for that alone. And then, like you said, no regrets, just learn from the situation. See what knowledge you can grasp from it and apply it to your future. Mistakes are fine. Repeating them is not. 
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: ChristyLA
That must have been a real. 'Roll' fest ... Keeping weight off is DEFINATELY harder than loosing it initially. 
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: Sk1nnyfuture
Bella, you are doing amazing things. Now my opinion, I think sometimes your brain says go back and test the old ways. I think that the result is a decision to go back or continue on the new journey with more resolve and confidence that you are making good decisions. As to that man in your life, again my opinion, if he cares enough and respects you he will accept your honest answer, if not he simply isn't worth it.  
2014년 07월 11일 작성이: wholefoodnut
I'm with you, Bella, on the "not eating less to take those last few pounds off." I don't think that works. For one thing, it causes you to binge when you deprive yourself. For another, what do you do if you did starve yourself to get those last few pounds off; a starvation maintenance mode? And besides that, your metabolism adjusts to your lower intake. I think you've had the right idea all along in your profile: slow and easy. You're doing great. I like that you've gotten more into exercising. I think that you're going to achieve that balance of exercise and healthy eating that is going to work for you the rest of your life. And of course, the support from all your friends on here is the real reason you're doing so good. :) 
2014년 07월 13일 작성이: DairyKing
2014년 07월 13일 작성이: Deb_N



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