FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 07월 8일

Well, I tend to anticipate it's going to be an 'interesting' day (and I use that word facetiously) when the caller uses the word 'guesstimation' on the phone before 10am. Yay me; I refrained from asking which language he thought he was speaking.

So, I did 3 miles on the ole treadmill yesterday and again today. Yep, 2 days in a row. Thank goodness 'Suits' has a great cliff hanger at the end of season one; I'm looking forward to walking again tomorrow to begin season two. But I only get to count half that as I am giving the rest to my Corsican twin. That's for you, Philistina.

Healthy food choices resumed upon returning from my weekend adventure. I always wonder when I am out and get that off the grid 'thing' .. for example, this time it was a 'Black Bottomed Cheesecake with Chocolate Chip Icing' dessert ... will that 'thing' be the thing that drags me off the wagon and leaves me sobbing face down in the ditch?

On reflection I'd conclude I consumed a few too many burgers - the low light being the room service one I had at 11pm. I recognize now the 'lure' of that was the onion rings on the side. I coulda ordered a nice cobb salad w/the onion rings. Things to be better mindful of for next time. And I could have had just onion rings. I think that was what was calling to me from across the room the whole time anyway.

Under no uncertain terms am I beating myself up over this (nor may you, LOL!) I am merely working thru exercise #7 of 30 Things To Start Doing For Yourself found by clicking here shared by one of my dear friends in her recent journal.

I felt so inspired by the list I printed it out, cut and folded each exercise individually and will choose one randomly. Perhaps daily; perhaps less often depending on how much thought I feel I need to give to the exercise.

Today's exercise: [i]Start valuing the lessons your mistakes teach you. Mistakes are okay; they’re the stepping stones of progress. If you’re not failing from time to time, you’re not trying hard enough and you’re not learning. Take risks, stumble, fall, and then get up and try again. Appreciate that you are pushing yourself, learning, growing and improving. Significant achievements are almost invariably realized at the end of a long road of failures. One of the ‘mistakes’ you fear might just be the link to your greatest achievement yet.[/i]

But this is more than food. I did push myself again to get back on the treadmill 2 days in a row instead of every other. I pushed myself to tell someone 'no'. And I'm pushing myself to figure out something else for the weekend ahead rather than just waking up Saturday feeling restless.

I'm wondering if I'm feeling immortal or have a death wish. One of the activities that intrigued me was trapeze lessons. Then again, the Tour De Chocolate (participants get driven around from one chocolate maker to another, all the samples you can shove in your face) via a bus caught my eye as well. But I ruled that out when they included 'children welcome'. I wasn't thrilled being on the Wine Bus when the folks got drunk and loud; I sure don't want to be trapped in a tin can with sugar junkies.

I'll keep looking. My bliss is out there. I'll find it. Until then, thank you for stopping by and visiting with me.


81.6 kg 지금까지 감소한: 47.6 kg.    남은양: 0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.
안정된 체중

6명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Way to go with the treadmill 2 days in a row. I used to do that with something smutty. Don't ask me why. Smutty seems to make the burn on a treadmill go faster. lol Or suspense.. suspense does it too but it's not nearly as naughty as smutty. :) Hope you find your thing even if it isn't tons of kids loaded up on sugar stuck on a bus.. I have kids. Even I think that sounds like a special level in heck. :) 
2014년 07월 8일 작성이: Ms Elizabeth
Plot Twist! Thank you, Bella! <3 
2014년 07월 8일 작성이: Deb_N
I think your bliss may be all of the adventures you go on...the sum of them all...the act of going on adventures is your bliss :) Just watch the sugar, because that is what led me off the wagon and back to where I started. It's not worth it. 
2014년 07월 8일 작성이: ChristyLA
Trapeze lessons? I never envisioned you a thrill seeker. Hmmm, what else don't we know about you? Good job on the exercises; I think you've got a doable plan that breaks up the monotony. 
2014년 07월 8일 작성이: DairyKing
2 days of treadmill -- I love it, Angel! And, as usual, your lesson is one I need to hear again & again -- I tend to play it safe too much. Wanna try to be more adventurous with me? By the way, we're going to FL for vaca -- don't ask me how I got convinced to vaca in Fl in July, but SIL insists since we'll be in the panhandle that it won't be too uncomfortable! Both DSs are going along with 2 SILs and their families. We all get along along really well, & i love seeing all the cousins together! xoxox 
2014년 07월 8일 작성이: Ruhu
Plot Twist! Moving on now. That is an incredible list, I'll get one done today. And yes check me in on adding some adventure to my life too. :)  
2014년 07월 8일 작성이: ChicaLean
Proud of you Bells. Good walking!!! 
2014년 07월 8일 작성이: ClassicRocker
Lovely to hear you so positive and moving forward. An inspiration, as always. 
2014년 07월 8일 작성이: Sweet Ce
Great walking!! That black bottom cheesecake did sound good. Cheesecake is one sweet that I would splurge on.  
2014년 07월 8일 작성이: wholefoodnut
Two days in a row, that's awesome!!! :) I try to pick only one thing that I really really want when we go out. If it's a burger and onion rings than so be it, but no dessert. If I really want dessert than I'm picking a light entrée. I don't end up feeling like I missed out because what I didn't have I can choose next time. Like you, I'm not into weight loss by deprivation and misery, but I do try to balance it out a little.  
2014년 07월 9일 작성이: Annabelle3117



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