FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 05월 28일

Don't print the T-shirts or gather ransom (or bail) money. I'm out here, ok... I'm just really busy w/some things and trying to sort some other things out mentally.

Like.. going w/o the scale.. .I was wondering if I can go a day w/o doing constant calculus in my head on calories vs energy vs size of jeans blah blah. So I did .. and I feel like I made good choices in nutrition and portions. So then I did another. And another.

I'm going to find a way to fit FS back into the day w/o the constant tight band of 'eat this not that do this not that' in my head. I'll be back soon, catch up on the messages and journals and your lives too.

But for now I need to go hit the treadmill then run a couple of errands before I open the shop. Please be patient with me and know that you are all in my thoughts and carried with me throughout the day.


10명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

So I can keep all the ransom money I've raised? :-) Glad to hear the time you've been MIA has been well spent, can't say the same for myself lol.  
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: Annabelle3117
Good luck Bells. Hope you figure it out and find a way to fit us in too. I for one would be bereft if you left us. I need my daily Bella fix :) 
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: sarahsmum
Best of Luck - we'll still be here :)  
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: Phooka
We Miss You! I think FS is a great community and you are definitely welcome here to discuss our journeys even if you're not taking the typical "calories in, calories out, pants size, weigh in" approach to the journey. I know I fluctuate on my approach but being a part of this community, reading others' experiences and sharing my own has still been beneficial. Glad you're sticking with the exercise! :)  
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: megmonster
Yep, you know us all too well. T-shirts ransom (or bail) money and don’t forget Nancy Grace. I can see the interview now. Nancy will be like “so it’s been three days since she last journaled or supported with a heart…? LOL. Take some time for yourself but yes let us know you are breathing and ok. I’m trying to work some things out in my head too and considered a mini break. Anyways, get a jog in for me. :) 
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: ChicaLean
Good plan Bella - I did the same - I had to know that if someone turned FS off, I would be able to carry on my journey without it....I also do not record my calories anymore and am doing ok....so far so good.....so good luck with your mental sorting :) 
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: triaby
We're here for you, whenever you are ready, Angel. Take the time that you need and take care of you! xoxox 
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: Ruhu
Kind of you to check in here, but certainly not obligated. You take all the time you need. I think the fact you don't need to journal everyday is a good sign.  
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: Josie Ann
Always good to see you Bella. 
2014년 05월 28일 작성이: sharonfriz
We will wait for you! <3 
2014년 05월 29일 작성이: Deb_N
Know what you mean Bella... I'm not on here much... Either because I can't get on errrgggg. Or I'm busy doing other stuff and sorting my head out. That's the way life goes... :-£ 
2014년 05월 29일 작성이: Sk1nnyfuture



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