FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 04월 21일

Monday - April 21st and here's the challenging thing about belonging to challenges .. I can't remember if I'm repeating myself or just thinking 'I need to journal this thing so I can remember and improve on it later.'

Yeah, sure, it's all the challenges fault. Has nothing to do with my pending age related senility. That and the fact that I've started this journal three times and keep discarding it in attempt to compose something relevant.

On that, I give up - LOL. If you're reading this, it is what it is.

I think part of what led to my Feeding Frenzy Friday is I'd allowed my food supply of delicious, nutritional and satisfying choices to dwindle. Ironic as I've been on this quest to 'love myself' - esp with the dating myself. Then again, maybe this new found self infatuation responds the same as IRL and minimized my appetite until I caught myself in a different mood. I don't know.

I know twice last week I reached for the phone with a 'meh, I'll just order a pizza' and although I stopped myself... I knew it wouldn't be long until I hit the speed dial button. There's a thought. I need to take that number off speed dial even though it's a friend of mine who owns the parlor. Make it harder to go 'dialing for destruction' in a weaker moment.

But when I found myself mesmerized by the aroma of the sausage burritos and BBQ at the show Saturday - odors that usually had no effect on me as I imagined my very clean eating tuna, cheese, peanut butter and celery in my bag - I knew I'd been depriving myself of 'Eating What I Love'.

So I ordered a prime rib roast on the way home and cooked it yesterday. Then I bought one of those food saver sealer things that's supposed to make it last longer in the freezer and at 'once a week' or so I'm covered for that for at least the next 3 months, minimum. Now I'm going to proceed with getting a turkey followed by ... well, you get it. I'll have a freezer full of healthy, delicious choices available for whenever I find time at a minimum even though my hunger (is not).

I was reading yesterday, and posted the article Click Here to Read about how the perception of a healthy woman has changed. No news flash for those of us in my generation but just downright ... I dunno... defeating? Sad? The reason I have such a low self esteem about my appearance?

I think I've commented on this before - back in the day, 'fat' was considered healthy and wealthy. Only the poor and sick were 'thin'. And the number and health game continues to change constantly.

It's like, YES, I know those cover girls are airbrushed. Even the ones who are already thin as it is are morphed into appearing even thinner. I watched a documentary recently titled 'Chasing Beauty' about models and the agency representative commented, "It's not us.. it's the designers. They are the one's designing the clothes - we have to find the tall thin models who can wear them'.

Makes ya think, doesn't it? Does me, anyway.

Anyway ~ as I continue to try to love and accept myself in what little time I have left - time that will pass in the blink of an eye if the past decade is any indication ~ I'll just remember the photo below and strive to look as beautiful and confident as Lillian Russell. Absolutely love the hat.

And for the women - a little beefcake. Well, beef roast. My prime rib yesterday. LOL.

Thank you for stopping by to visit with me. Have a great day.


다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2014년 04월 21일:
2599 kcal 지방: 155.12g | 단백질: 155.44g | 탄수화물: 151.00g.   아침 식사: Mt. Olive Kosher Dill Pickles, Hellmann's Mayonnaise with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, StarKist Foods Chunk Light Tuna in Water, Pineapple, Cheddar Cheese, Prime Rib, Coffee-Mate Sugar Free Hazelnut Liquid Coffee Creamer, Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Milk (2% Lowfat with Added Vitamin A). 저녁 식사: Bacon, Cheddar Cheese, Fried Egg, Mission Flour Tortillas (Fajita Size), Dave's Gourmet Butternut Squash Pasta Sauce, Pasta Prima Grilled Chicken & Mozzarella Ravioli. 간식/기타: Chocolate Chips, Planters Pistachio Lovers Mix. 더보기
3005 kcal 운동: 스탠딩 - 3 시간, 앉아있기 - 3 시간, 숙면 - 7 시간   30 분, 가사 - 1 시간, 쇼핑 - 1 시간, 휴식 - 1 시간, 운전 - 30 분, 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 2 시간, 책상 업무 - 5 시간. 더보기

4명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Dialing for destruction=love that! I was even more shameful..I had all the best pizza places numbers MEMORIZED. (Bad June.) 
2014년 04월 21일 작성이: notjune1
Hi Bella!! Thanks for stopping by my journal. Love the pics and that roast looks amazing.. I am trying to hang in and eat properly. It is just so hard when you love food as much as I do.. lol Happy you are doing well. 
2014년 04월 21일 작성이: chattycathy1955
Love your journal... But, it has a very thought provoking thread. Today's models / icons are just so thin... They often make themselves ill trying to remain looking like this. Added to that - yes - as you said, the dreaded airbrush, so we all think they are perfect, and must be able to look like this, if we really try. Completely unattainable long term.... What are we doing to ourselves and the young generation.... Very sad, that we try and reach the impossible. No good looking 'perfect' if we have no personality and cannot enjoy life. OMG... I have gone off on one lol. 
2014년 04월 21일 작성이: Sk1nnyfuture
Mmmm that looks delicious!! Good plan to make some meats and freeze so its ready. I am so bad with cooking in bulk and eating leftovers, I always get sick of stuff and throw half away (rather than freeze some like sensible people).  
2014년 04월 21일 작성이: Bkeller1023
LOVE the pic of your beautiful prime rib...you really are talented in the kitchen! I agree with your assessment of the Friday Frenzy; when we have moments of temptations, plus nothing healthy in the pantry or fridge, it gets very hard. Fortunately, you did put on the brakes and didn't go out for dinner and eat more, when you definitely weren't hungry. We all have moments of "who gives a sh*t", but you have recovered nicely, so no harm, no foul. Also, I think you're onto something here with this whole new approach to loving yourself is making you more vulnerable to the bad choice of munchies. As you are already aware of this potential connection, I have no doubt you will correct yourself next time. Good job on filling your freezer with healthy foods - very organized! Be well, Josie  
2014년 04월 21일 작성이: Josie Ann
I'm just getting caught up on journals, sweet Angel, but can't thank you enough for all your love & support on mine while I was away. You are always there for me, and I can't thank you enough! You are one special lady! Xoxox 
2014년 04월 21일 작성이: Ruhu
It's so important that we love ourselves at any stage and it’s extremely unfair to judge ourselves and others against the unrealistic standards that are currently set. I am in this for my health, of course I want to lose weight but I am not going to beat myself up and get depressed if I never fit in a size two again. This time it is about acceptance, building confidence (doing away with the poor self image that is ingrained in my thoughts) and overall health. Unfortunately I remember weighing 105 lbs and not being satisfied, happy or confident. In my mind, no matter what my weight, I always had an additional 10lbs to lose and that was sick (minded and physically unhealthy). Bella, great journal and thanks for sharing the article about BMI. We need a healthy body index or HBI where everything is factored. It’s not just about weight anymore. And I love the ready to go frozen meals. Less guess work when you have something delicious in the freezer.  
2014년 04월 21일 작성이: ChicaLean
Good stuff here! Now I want to go buy a prime rib roast - without the ribs it looks like. Yummy. 
2014년 04월 22일 작성이: Neptunebch



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