FullaBella님의 저널, 2020년 05월 20일

Sort of weight related ... like.. maybe third cousin removed? I picked up a new casual blouse & slacks the other day - both a size too large.

No, this isn't a 'whew, I lost a lot of weight' post. I'm sure my shape has changed with the weight regain but doing more work in the garden over the past two months. No, I don't keep measurements. Yes, shame on me.

Finally - the point of my post. I FEEL wearing the face mask while I shopped made it harder to breath easily and THAT sensation translated to feeling bloated & swollen. I instinctively bought gauzy type clothes that could flow & breathe.

Your thoughts? Experiences?

14명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

I hate wearing a face mask. I use a bandanna and let it drop whenever it bothers me.  
2020년 05월 20일 작성이: gz9gjg
It’s so hard when you’re not used to wearing them!! Yesterday was my first full shift back in UC running patients in weeks, I had even forgot how hard it is to wear one over 12 hours. If you feel better wearing a gauze one, go for it. Just same rules, keep up the hand washing, use sanitizer before and after you use the mask.♥️♥️💜💚 
2020년 05월 20일 작성이: jcmama777
I bought a couple multi-color packs of bandanas from bandana supply (you can figure out the rest). They were in stock, shipped within days and are 100% pure cotton, unlike some others I ordered earlier. I have a couple masks on hand for the more serious stuff (office, dr appts, prolonged contact), but mostly I'm tying it around my neck or my hair and I'll slip it over my face if I need to get closer to other humans. I feel very jaunty on my walks w/my fancy cravat.  
2020년 05월 20일 작성이: Katsolo
that would be the bulk of my "clothes shopping" so far, although I do have my eye on something else that's pretty beautiful if we're ever allowed to leave our houses. 
2020년 05월 20일 작성이: Katsolo
I haven't really been out, so I don't know. The little I've worn it, I've found it hot and a bit stifling. New cases are still on the rise in Texas, so I'm still in isolation. It was weird to let the tech guy in today (we both wore masks). 
2020년 05월 20일 작성이: shirfleur 1
Wearing the masks make me angry as I am taking the steps to protect others but most people in the stores do not show me the same courtesy. OK enough griping. Did you have a chance to try them on? Can you take them back. I love it when muscles are gained... and body reshapes. Good for you!!!! 
2020년 05월 20일 작성이: liv001
I lost 55 lbs recently and still instinctively choose flowy type of clothes. I’ve actually been “shopping” my closets and trying stuff on that I’m shocked fits me again! And any time I feel blue that something still doesn’t, I remind myself that my clothes are designed to fit me and not the other way around. But the mask thing makes sense to me in a way. I feel icky when I have to wear it for a long time. Thankfully, the stores in my area will remain closed for a while, so I do all my shopping online. 
2020년 05월 20일 작성이: salty_mermaid_mama
Katsolo, How funny! I did the colorful bandana thing first too but realized it's really much easier to actually wear a mask if you have to take it off and on several times. I already had ugly white disposable masks but broke down & bought a couple decent masks (one from a neighbor gal who sewed them herself & another one from Etsy online). I couldn't believe how many people are selling masks out there. Who would have thought 3 mo. ago? 
2020년 05월 20일 작성이: Roxy Marie
For the last few years I've often chosen loose, flowy tops cause they skimmed my body and created an illusion that maybe I was slimmer underneath. I decided to get some of my Summer clothes out of my cedar chest this afternoon. Most of them are too big and if they're meant to be more fitted they're probably not going to work. If they're the flowy style I might be able to wear them anyway 😊 I haven't tried shopping for clothes recently. I'd probably remove my mask if I was in a fitting room. 
2020년 05월 20일 작성이: SherryeB
Yeah, I am sure I could have returned them. This wasn't so much a 'masks are a pain' post as it was sharing I realized my thought process / perception was affected because my breathing freely was limited. I don't know. I'm probably not explaining myself accurately. 
2020년 05월 21일 작성이: FullaBella
Bella, I understand what you mean. When it feels hot & stuffy you want to wear clothing that will make it less so. I like the loose, flowy look for Summer anyway. You might decide you want to keep them if they fit the way you want.  
2020년 05월 21일 작성이: SherryeB



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