FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 12월 1일

Just 5 Pounds

If you're like me, with 100+ pounds to lose, the thought of 'just 5 pounds' seems ridiculous. While I probably gained 'just 5 pounds' a month on the 'weigh up' (pun intended) the thought of losing 'just 5 pounds' a month on the way down seems too freaking slow.

If you're like me, you want it now. Yesterday even. I am of the generation of instant gratification. Pay per view, microwave everything, pizza delivery in 30 mins or less, dot.com stocks, zero to 60 in 3 seconds cars, etc. I just don't have the 'everything in good time' mentality. Not 'naturally' anyway.

I recall when I'd lost the first 30lbs this journey I remembered 'feeling' so much better. Thinner. Healthier. Slimmer. Confident. Stronger.

But then I caught my reflection in a plate glass window and for a brief second lost my will to live much less continue this path of healthy eating. My own little personal sabatoger voice started shouting at me: What's the point? You have so far to go. So much to lose. Who do you think you're fooling?

Every ounce of confidence I'd been feeling was wiped out by a bad reflection. I wanted to walk INTO that plate glass window but walked into the grocery store instead.

I was FULLY PLANNING on a self hatred binge of historical proportions. I was already imagining chips & dips and chocolate ice cream. I was going to load up the cart and once I reached home I was going to gorge on everything I'd been denying myself for two months. And I knew at the end I'd would be kneeling in the bathroom throwing up because I wasn't ready to give up on the weight loss just yet. I just so hated that I still looked so FAT when I'd been working SO HARD that I felt I needed to punish myself for 'taking so long'.

The first thing that caught my eye in the grocery store was Stacy's Bagel Chips but without thinking I flipped the bag over and start reading the nutritional label. I don't even know why I looked ~ after all, this was a binge! Maybe I was hoping for the worst, high caloric, saturated fat, high carbohydrate thing I could find.

But the reality is that reading nutritional labels had become such a habit after two months that I did it without thinking. And I discovered a single serving of the bagel chips wasn't bad. It was actually good. Wait, I'd discovered a new healthy snack?

In that blink of an eye the binge-quest evaporated. I found some really delicious spicy mustard and had a new healthy snack. Binge averted. That day. That moment in time.

So what about the 'just 5 pounds?'

Well, if you read my journals you know that on 11/29 I did not win the battle over a binge. I went crazy eating Mayonnaise. And I recorded it. And it was UGLY on my diet calender food diary.

But the next morning post 'Binge Failure' as I was moving something on a shelf, I found MH's ankle weights. I'd purchased these for him on the advice of a therapist to help give him a little ooompf (yes, that is a technical term, the therapist used it) in his walking to build up his strength. I think he used them once. Combined, the ankle weights total five pounds.

I strapped them on my ankles and wore them all day. Just 5 pounds. It didn't really seem that much difference in my walking. I didn't feel a burden to my step but after a quarter of a century on high heels for Corporate America my legs are the most muscular thing about me. I'd probably really feel it if I put them on my wrists. My upper body is jello.

Yes, a post experiement internet research indicated not all people recommend them because it will affect a natural gait and we shouldn't expose our limbs to extra unnatural weight like that.

But darned if I didn't feel better, lighter, noticeably different when I took them off last night. Just five pounds. What a difference it made. Just 5 pounds.

I never know from where my next path sustaining inspiration will come. Often it's an unexpected 'good' result. Most often it's support from my friends here on the website. And yesterday, it was from a pair of old abandoned ankle weights.

So maybe if you're like me and have a tendency to give into the sabatoge voice taunting 'just 5 pounds, are you kidding... You have so far to go ...' Maybe you could pick up a pair of these or even just find a five pound equivalent to tie around your waist or around your legs and wear it all day and you too could experience the joy of being lighter once you remove it.

And when your weight loss journey stalls or slows or some emotional trigger makes you wonder if it's worth it, instead of thinking "Oh my gawd, I have another 50lbs to go ... I'll never get there" just put on the five pound weights and remind yourself to take it one day, one bite at a time.

That's my plan at least. You're welcome to borrow it.

Thank you for reading.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 12월 1일:
1185 kcal 지방: 34.41g | 단백질: 82.61g | 탄수화물: 138.54g.   아침 식사: Schwans Mixed Berries, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal, Flax Seed, Creamer, Coffee. 점심 식사: Dill Pickle Spears, Wholly Guacamole, Hormel Deli Lean Turkey, Staceys Bagel Chips, Sargento Reduced Fat Colby Jack, Spicy Mustard. 저녁 식사: Whole Wheat Bread, Hormel Ham Deli, Mushrooms, Weight Watchers String Cheese, Kraft Fat Free Cheese, Egg White, Egg. 간식/기타: Schwans Mixed Berries, Dannon Light Greek Yogurt, General Mills Basic Four. 더보기
3657 kcal 운동: 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 1 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간, 앉아있기 - 6 시간, 책상 업무 - 6 시간, 스탠딩 - 2 시간, 가사 - 1 시간. 더보기


Great idea! And, so very true. We all do it just one pound at a time. 
2012년 12월 1일 작성이: HCB
I LOVE this journal! It kinda sums up my own journey (which I need to return to)...I still believe my attitude of "just keep up the work and don't think too hard about it" helped me. Eventually I looked up and whatya know...30 pounds gone...one at a time! Thanks for posting this... 
2012년 12월 2일 작성이: Baxie
This is an awesome journal...I have always said carry a 5 lb bag of sugar, flour or any thing that weighs that much..and see just how much 5 lbs really feels...and you are so right..it is heavy...and losing at a slower rate is very healthy..just think you have already won by reading labels..I do the same thing..its a good habit to have...Soooooo proud of you girl..you can do it..:O) 
2012년 12월 2일 작성이: BHA
Thank you HCB, Baxie, and BHA (LOL - sounds like a law firm). I know I sound like a broken record but the support of the wonderful people here keeps me going every day. Yes 5lbs, 10lbs, etc... finding an equivalent to 'feel' what you no longer carry (or will eventually shed) really drives the reality home. One day when I'd lost 40lbs I had to take MH to the doc and as I 'groaned' hoisting his 35lb wheelchair into the car I gave myself a little 'atta gal' thinking 'wow - I've lost a wheelchair'. Now to lose the second one. Then a fleet of them. Thank you again. You folks are great support. 
2012년 12월 2일 작성이: FullaBella
I loved your journal, too! Great writing and insight, thank you. I sometimes feel bad about my loose skin and saggy parts; you made me realize I should try carrying something weighing about 69 pounds, which I lost a few pounds at a time. Also, that I'm now strong enough to lift that much; I started lifting one pound weights and strengthening with resistance tubing, and step by step became stronger and felt better. Now I do Zumba. Reading food labels helps me a bundle, too. Sounds like you're on your way and will succeed in a big way, oops, I mean in a lots of little ways. :o)  
2012년 12월 2일 작성이: crabby Kat
Thank you CK - yes.. would be great if that excess skin would snap back but we are still better off physically. Major congrats to you on your weight loss! 
2012년 12월 2일 작성이: FullaBella
Yes, FullaBella, great journal again -- you inspire so many of us so regularly! Don't know what we'd do without you! 
2012년 12월 2일 작성이: Ruhu
Believe me - at days end I always feel I've received more than I've given. Thank you all so much. 
2012년 12월 2일 작성이: FullaBella
Losing 5 pounds is better than gaining those 5 pounds. It is a big accomplishment and you should be proud! Those 5 pounds here and there will add up to help you meet your goal. Keep up the great work! This journal entry helps me keep in mind that every little pound counts. :D 
2012년 12월 3일 작성이: gabbygabby
5 pounds or just .5 pounds is still GREAT!!!! you in the negative side,to me thats what is important!!! Keep it up and you'll get there. Remember we on the same boat lol I'm not leaving you there :)) 
2012년 12월 3일 작성이: tute75
Thank you Gabby & Tute ~~ yes, every bite, every day, we will row this boat to victory over our food fight! 
2012년 12월 3일 작성이: FullaBella



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