FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 12월 1일

I love my George Foreman Grill.

No, you haven't tuned into an infomercial and this isn't a paid endorsement. I'm just sharing something the helped me stay on the path of healthy eating.

I bought it on a fluke about a month into this current journey. I selected one of the 'low end' models for about $25 because I was struggling with 'Okay, I'm growing really tired of microwaved chicken breasts but I really hate the 1/2 hour it takes my electric oven to heat up just to cook a single chicken breast' vs 'seriously, no way this teflon coated plastic thing is going to give my food a 'grilled like' flavor.

Staring at it in the store I worried it would end up collecting dust in the 'failed expectations appliance boneyard' in the storage room. Hence opting for the least expensive 'investment' choice.

I was Wrong.

I absolutely love the way it grills. It heats up quick, cooks fast, is moderately easy to clean and has become an appliance I use probably four times a week. I am even enjoying incorporating more fish (especially salmon) into my meals because, well, let's face it, microwave fish is just gross. At least, it was whenever I tried it.

And, MH likes it too. I make his cheeseburgers and sirloins and hot dogs (man oh man does that thing ever grill a hotdog ~~ tastes just like it came off an outdoor grill but no burning!) on it and even he is 'hey, have you tried cooking the 'nextthingtotry' on George yet?'

While the little slant of the appliance does result in the 'fat' draining off I am still mindful of proper servings and choosing lean cuts of meat. I'm not substituting the applicance for healthy eating.

I'm just really enjoying being able to pop my (protein entree) on the grill while I chop my salad and mix my vegetables for my meal(s)and having a nice flavorable meal.

So, I just thought I'd share this as it has really helped me continue to find ways to prepare food I can enjoy and still eat healthy.

Thank you for reading.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 12월 1일:
1185 kcal 지방: 34.41g | 단백질: 82.61g | 탄수화물: 138.54g.   아침 식사: Schwans Mixed Berries, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal, Flax Seed, Creamer, Coffee. 점심 식사: Dill Pickle Spears, Wholly Guacamole, Hormel Deli Lean Turkey, Staceys Bagel Chips, Sargento Reduced Fat Colby Jack, Spicy Mustard. 저녁 식사: Whole Wheat Bread, Hormel Ham Deli, Mushrooms, Weight Watchers String Cheese, Kraft Fat Free Cheese, Egg White, Egg. 간식/기타: Schwans Mixed Berries, Dannon Light Greek Yogurt, General Mills Basic Four. 더보기
3657 kcal 운동: 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 1 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간, 앉아있기 - 6 시간, 책상 업무 - 6 시간, 스탠딩 - 2 시간, 가사 - 1 시간. 더보기




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