FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 11월 1일

I can tell I'm losing weight ... the Grinch is coming back.

Don't hide the Christmas presents just yet, I'm talking about his face. One of my worn out defense cliches in the past when people would comment I look younger than my real age is 'fat don't crack'. So, sadly, when I have been thinner in the past as mentioned in previous journals, I looked OLDER because the stretched out skin on my face has no where to go but fold back into multiple wrinkles.

I was on the phone this morning (speaker phone) while doing my hair and something funny was said. When I smiled, I caught my image in the mirror. Yep... the Grinch is coming back. Watch out Whoville.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 11월 1일:
1319 kcal 지방: 28.28g | 단백질: 87.42g | 탄수화물: 192.48g.   아침 식사: dannon greek, coffee, flax, quaker oatmeal. 점심 식사: pickle, schwans chicken breast, grape tomato, salsa, salad. 저녁 식사: grape tomato, wheat bread, Smart Squeeze Butter, Egg White Omlette 1 Egg Plus 4 Eggwhite w/lowfat Cheese. 간식/기타: Nonfat Peach Greek Yogurt, fiber one, granny smith apple. 더보기
3453 kcal 운동: 휴식 - 3 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간, 앉아있기 - 7 시간, 책상 업무 - 6 시간. 더보기


Thats one of the down sides of losing but its the only down side..Your taking care of you and thats what matters..I have earned my wrinkles..LOL...:O) 
2012년 11월 2일 작성이: BHA



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