FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 10월 27일

Perspectives: interesting ... I've lost 35lbs and I am feeling 'good'. I sure didn't feel good when I'd gained 35lbs to weigh 250. All perspective, I guess. Then I wasn't eating right so I didn't feel good or good about myself. But funny - I feel GREAT ... great until I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and the image looking back still reminds me how fat I am. But not to worry, mirror girl... I'm not going to let you defeat me. I'm going to continue and eat healthy every day every meal for the rest of my life and I'm actually GLAD it will take me a while to reach my goal weight because it will give me time to reflect more on my trap areas.

One of the thoughts I had today was to equate this to a journey - that old saying about 'it's not the destination, it's the trip that matters.' Or something like that. So maybe the reason I'm on this TRIP again is because I 'flew' through it so many times I didn't pay attention to the landmarks?? At least, that's my philosophy for the day. I'm in the car... taking the side roads... getting off the highway and interstate. I'm taking it slow because this is the LAST TRIP I want to take from Fatville to HealthyTown. Once I get there I'm going to buy a house, plant a garden and live there forever! The only trip I will take is the occassional vacation to Exercisington!

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 10월 27일:
1193 kcal 지방: 32.92g | 단백질: 91.22g | 탄수화물: 134.18g.   아침 식사: oikos greek, coffee, flax, quaker oatmeal. 점심 식사: del monte diced tomato, schwans california. 저녁 식사: lipton tea, ginger, edamame, Miso Soup, soy sauce , Wasabi Paste in Tubes, sashimi. 간식/기타: 2% Milk American Cheese Singles, Wheat Thin Flatbread Cracker, Multi Grain Cheerios, Oikos Zero fat Honey Yogurt, apple slices. 더보기
3239 kcal 운동: 앉아있기 - 5 시간, 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 2 시간, 휴식 - 9 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간. 더보기




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