-Diablo님의 저널, 2018년 06월 19일

A few more veins showing up. Every pound from here is a struggle but noticeable in the mirror.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2018년 06월 19일:
1909 kcal 지방: 57.33g | 단백질: 114.76g | 탄수화물: 242.52g.   아침 식사: Apples, Jam Preserves, Kraft Light Mayonnaise, Glenview Farms Pepperjack Cheese, Trader Joe's Buttermilk Bread, Safeway Buttermilk Wheat Bread, Deli Sliced Ham, Delimex Beef Taquitos (3). 점심 식사: Jose Ole Chicken & Cheese Taquitos, Hooters Grilled Chicken Garden Salad, Pure Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter High Protein Bar (Small), Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe High Protein Bar (Small). 더보기
3892 kcal 운동: 달리기(조깅) - 8km/h - 47 분, 걷기 (중간) - 5km/h - 1 시간   30 분, 웨이트 트레이닝 (적당한 무게) - 40 분, 휴식 - 2 시간   3 분, 숙면 - 8 시간, 스탠딩 - 6 시간, 앉아있기 - 5 시간. 더보기

47명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

26중 1에서 20
Coming from a vampire (phlebotomist), you definitely have nice veins!! LOL  
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: LSG417
Haha, thanks, I think. :P 
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: -Diablo
Great job. True dedication!! 
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: tridski
very nice 😍 
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: Vickiauntmick
Please don’t take this the wrong way but why are you trying to lose and where is it coming from?? I’m happily married but man your arms...😳😍. Aren’t you actually gaining weight if building muscle? 
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: peeperjj
Not building just maintaining as much as possible while getting lean. Let's just say my stomach is not where I want it to be, there is still some left. Thanks for all the comments! 
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: -Diablo
Looking good! 
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: KayBuckaroo
Honestly the ladies are right, those arms 😳 👌🏼 
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: rosio19
Any weight there has got to be muscle weight. 
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: BlueFront
Perhaps the next picture should show some abs... just sayin. Lol. In all honestly though you look very fit!  
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: peeperjj
Well done! 
2018년 06월 19일 작성이: HCB
2018년 06월 20일 작성이: DEADPOOL12345
1lb a week loss where you’re at is probably the highest optimal range for where you’re at currently, so take that as winning  
2018년 06월 20일 작성이: DEADPOOL12345
Yeah, I keep reading about people fasting and it makes me want to jump in and speed the process up but then I remember the last time I did something like that, I ended up smaller but I looked worse. Slow and steady. Thanks for the reminder! Thanks for the comments, everyone! 
2018년 06월 20일 작성이: -Diablo
Seems like you’ve got everything under control. Additionally, Just ensure you’re getting sufficient protein (obviously lol) and maintaining the weight/reps on exercises as best as possible (most important part). If you’re feeling worse/tired/more fatigued etc. reducing training volume/days, may help as well. just keep at it and you’ll be good dude 👍🏻 
2018년 06월 20일 작성이: DEADPOOL12345
I want to be like that.  
2018년 06월 20일 작성이: CL-DeepMan
You hit the nail on the head..slow and steady does it. 
2018년 06월 20일 작성이: murphthesurf
You look pretty lean to me. I'm at around 21% body fat and trying to get where you are now... 
2018년 06월 20일 작성이: John10251
Same here John10251 - Keep it up dude! 
2018년 06월 20일 작성이: Bropa
This isn't even my final form(ha) thanks for the support everyone! 
2018년 06월 20일 작성이: -Diablo



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