Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2022년 10월 14일

Weight the same AGAIN this morning. This is really getting discouraging. My calories were under 1,400 yesterday. I drank 8-10 cups of water. I denied myself the evening toast and butter for the third night in a row. Bowels aren’t moving much lately, and I seem to be retaining some water (impression from my wonderful no-bind socks around my ankles).

The temptation is to say, “If I’m not going to lose anything anyway, I might as well eat whatever I want!” The Bible says, “Let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” And, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

You'd think I'd be happier about having lost 25 pounds! I guess I'm greedy. I want to lose 1-2 pounds every week. That's what it takes to make me feel "successful" in my dieting endeavors.

I'll try to just keep plugging along. Maybe there's a big whoosh coming between now and Monday morning's weigh-in. (Please, Lord?)
105.7 kg 지금까지 감소한: 11.8 kg.    남은양: 37.6 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2022년 10월 14일:
1345 kcal 지방: 70.51g | 단백질: 34.35g | 탄수화물: 143.75g.   아침 식사: Albertsons Heavy Whipping Cream, Domino Sugar Granulated Sugar, Twinings Earl Grey Tea, Butter, Dave's Killer Bread Good Seed Bread. 점심 식사: Green Giant Honey Glazed Carrots, Captain D's Tartar Sauce, Gorton's Pub Style Cod. 저녁 식사: Cooked Immature Lima Beans (from Fresh, Fat Added in Cooking). 간식/기타: Russell Stover Sugar Free Mint Patties (2), Sunset Mini Cucumbers, Peter Paul Almond Joy (Snack Size), Fresh & Easy Melon. 더보기
2530 kcal 운동: 휴식 - 12 시간, 숙면 - 12 시간. 더보기
안정된 체중

17명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Stick with it Debbie. Impatience makes us self-sabotage, thereby losing the benefit of all our efforts. It will happen, hang in there. 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: shirfleur 1
Keep going, Debbie. The body doesn't always operate on your preferred schedule. Consistency over time is key. I'm glad you're recognizing that the thoughts of throwing healthy eating habits aside because you're not seeing progress just one or two days (or even a week) isn't helpful. It's all or nothing thinking. You can keep moving forward in a positive way. Don't get discouraged! 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: writingwyo
We all have these days! Hugs!:)🌸 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: NAVYWIFESKI
Try eating only between 10am -6pm that night time snack was getting me up on the scale 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: Karen Ezell
Will happen for you 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: sugarplum_
It might be time to switch to weighing in bi weekly or just once a week. I've also read it's good to take a mental break from "dieting" every so many weeks, not to gain weight, but to maintain before trying to lose more. you've done so great, Debbie! we're all supporting you 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: Asarver
You're doing better than I am. Today my weight is back down after 11 days of up and down and may be back up tomorrow. I've only lost a half pound a week when I eat very, very little. Our bodies have to adjust. Twenty five pounds is absolutely great. If you can lose a pound a week that is tremendous success.  
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: Snowwhite100
Water weight trust me 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: alejandrovvvv
Stay the course, Debbie. Resisting the bread at night (and making NOT eating it a habit, like you mentioned) will reap rewards in the upcoming weeks and months.  
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: Broccolibabe
As long as you are staying it a calorie deficit ( you’re burning more calories then eating and drinking in a day) you should lose weight. You should weight yourself once a week on the same day every week. This should be right when you wake up and after you have used the restroom. You should also be weighing the same outfit you weigh yourself in on the first day. A pound lost a week is healthy if you are losing more than a pound eat more calories and if you are losing less than one pound eat less calories. If the amount of food you’re eating a day is terribly uncomfortable for you I would look into researching reverse dieting to help improve your metabolism. I hope you have a great day. 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: MooseCK
sounds like you might have underlying issues that you're not aware of. Did you know worrying and lack of sleep interfere with weight? If you were on keto I would suggest you go on the BBB&E for 2 weeks, even the month. That's beef butter bacon and egg. That's all you eat, no bread no potatoes no side items. However when I did this I lost 30 lb in 2 weeks. it also restarted my metabolism somewhat. 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: SheaDlady
This is what I tell myself (and have told myself for the last week) - the slower you lose, the better. The times you don't lose, that's good. That's your body transmogrifying, fat is still leaving, but perhaps due to being female other fluctuations are taking place. EG you haven't been doing BMS so much and are retaining water; but remaining the same weight means you must be losing a bit of fat. Maybe take one good long walk a week? Just a good long thing, doesn't have to be steep or hard. I'm back to walking to work, getting much fitter very quickly, but not losing an ounce. I suspect the muscle shock has made me retain water, and I'm just grateful every day my weight doesn't go UP. :D You're an absolute veteran and an example to follow. go you. :)  
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: Bubbles McBubble
I find for myself that when I eat processed meats or something that has too much salt…I retain water weight also. The other thing that helps me is to eat more fiber. I eat a quarter of an avocado each day for fiber, oatmeal and bran cereal… That may help you also. Plus sprinkling bran on foods makes the meals more satisfying. 
2022년 10월 14일 작성이: onebusycrazymom



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