PurpleAsh93님의 저널, 2022년 08월 9일

I’m so frustrated. For almost a month my eating has been great, I stayed within my calorie limit easily, and was able to resist all the things that would put me over. But the last 4-5 days have been rough. Throughout the day i am good and log my days worth of food. But around dinner time I get so famished and I just eat eat eat and have a “F it” mentality once I’ve gone over. I hope this is the breaking point for me. I hate to see all of my hard work just gone like that. Here’s to hoping todays better.
68.9 kg 지금까지 감소한: 12.7 kg.    남은양: 7.7 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2022년 08월 9일:
1280 kcal 지방: 52.86g | 단백질: 62.25g | 탄수화물: 155.14g.   아침 식사: Driscoll's Raspberries, Strawberries, Driscoll's Blackberries, Two Good Vanilla Greek Yogurt. 점심 식사: Nectarines , Nature Valley Protein Chewy Bars - Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate, Grapes (Red or Green, European Type Varieties Such As Thompson Seedless) , Taylor Farms Everything Chopped Salad, Rotisserie Chicken. 저녁 식사: InnovAsian Cuisine Orange Chicken . 더보기
2050 kcal 운동: Apple Health - 24 시간. 더보기
주 7.0 kg 증가하기

21명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

I took a break last week because I felt similarly. Didn’t go overboard, just let myself not count every bite for a few days. I think my hunger increase was partially due to hormone fluctuation and now that it passed in feeling ready to get back to the program. Maybe you need a few days off? 
2022년 08월 9일 작성이: EmmaLeanAgain
Increase calories = food for breakfast and lunch and therefore be less famished at dinner. 
2022년 08월 9일 작성이: golfmarina
Emma- I didn’t log the last two days so felt like that was a small break, if I break too much it’s too hard for me to get back on the wagon lol! I wish it were that easy marina- lol it’s more of a “bingey” mindset I’m struggling with. I did much better today!! Didn’t even finish my dinner, I am happy with todays rusts. Hopefully I can keep this Trend going! Thanks for the suggestions, friends! 
2022년 08월 9일 작성이: PurpleAsh93
I did noom for awhile and they educate you on all the different types of snacking. This one is called storm eating- when you are so hungry that you eat a bite of this and a bite of that, but never end up satiating yourself. Meanwhile you ate way too many calories then what you budgeted for. The best way to combat this is to add allow yourself a proper snack. They also teach about all or nothing thinking- how when you break one of your own rules people often think-well, I already blew it I guess it doesn’t matter and then they continue to eat instead of just stopping there. But you can reteach yourself new ways of thinking. I started a new diet recently that is high in protein (100g a day goal) and honestly, I feel so much less hungry throughout the day- the difference is crazy. 
2022년 08월 9일 작성이: linzeeS
Are you exercising as well? 
2022년 08월 10일 작성이: gage4ever
I've done that so many times. and I still do. The best thing I learned to do is say, screw it and enjoy and then get right back tomorrow! but it's when it's more than one time. Two times in a week isn't great (for me)... but two times in a ROW is what kills me. I have to remind myself that if I'm splurging and doing this now- It's not happening tomorrow. Good luck! I wish I could help. Some days are just hungry days and cottage cheese and a tomato doesn't hit the spot.  
2022년 08월 10일 작성이: davidsprincess
Linzee- thanks! I make sure to get in my snacks no problem 😝 Gage- Doing a little bit of exercise and breastfeeding, so I’ve allowed myself much more calories than before my pregnancy. DP- I think that’s what I’ll have to do, try and control the urge. And if not, then tell myself ONLY TODAY- don’t derail your progress!! Thanks 😘 
2022년 08월 10일 작성이: PurpleAsh93
I feel your frustrations! I too struggle with night time snacking. I have found a few " strategies"that work for me.. freeze blueberries and munch on them at night, drink a protein shake. ( it is a go to for me)  
2022년 08월 10일 작성이: Diana 1234
Distraction maybe? If you can get out of the house and take a walk when the binge hour strikes, it can get you out of the pattern. Use a stroller or an ergo carrier with the baby- an ergo is like a weighted vest, so more calories burned! Or maybe you just need to plan to eat at maintenance for a few days. 
2022년 08월 10일 작성이: zapotz
Oops I wasn't done..lol.. I also prep veggies for a crunch thing, or a handful of pistachios, shell on, and if I really, really want something sweet I will have 1/2 cup of halo top ice cream or one of my homemade protein balls. Not gonna say it always works but 80% of time it does. 👍 
2022년 08월 10일 작성이: Diana 1234
Zapotz- great thinking, I actually was doing evening walks almost every night with the stroller when I was on track. Maybe I should get back to that! Thanks! Diana- love the snack ideas. I’ll have to have some prepped and ready to go😊 
2022년 08월 10일 작성이: PurpleAsh93
I noticed you had been away for a few days. It's always harder for me when I've been out of my normal environment. I usually feel hungrier than normal. Ease back into your routine...maybe plan an additional snack for a day or 2. Eat more lower calorie foods to fill up. 
2022년 08월 10일 작성이: SherryeB
Thanks sherrye! 
2022년 08월 10일 작성이: PurpleAsh93



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