hobodon (호주부)님의 저널, 2022년 05월 15일

https://m.blog.naver.com/hobodon 제 블로그 “건강” 카테고리에 체중 감량 경험을 소개합니다.
60 kg 지금까지 감소한: 13.2 kg.    남은양: 0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2022년 05월 15일:
2544 kcal 지방: 79.58g | 단백질: 96.78g | 탄수화물: 347.36g.   아침 식사: 커피, 산딸기, Wasa Light Rye Crispbread, 야쿠르트 멀티비타 프로바이오틱스, 하루견과 하루견과 블루베리, 삶은 계란, 마담로익 크림치즈, 사과. 점심 식사: 사조 사조참치 마일드, 조미김, 쥐포볶음, 쇠고기 카레, 현미밥. 저녁 식사: 야구르트 멀티비타 프로바이오틱스, 천하장사 천하장사 (28g), 산딸기, 사과, 도미노 (Domino's) 피클, 도미노 (Domino's) 포테이토피자. 간식/기타: 포스트 콘푸라이트바, 꿀, 한약, 해태 아이비 (23g), 천하장사 천하장사 프리미엄 (28g), 사과. 더보기
주 3.5 kg 증가하기

11명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Thank you! Such a wonderful surprise. Karen Carpenter's voice always brings joy to my heart! Beautiful music! I have bookmarked your blog. :-) 
2022년 05월 14일 작성이: LivinBreezy
Hi Breezy! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Sorry, it's written only in Korean. Yes it was about Karen Carpenter that I have become to like so much, especially during WFH after the pandemic. In 2020 when the chaos started, it was tough working/living alone. Her music gave me strength. Now I am returning to office soon (2-3 days a week), and want to share her beautiful music with blog neighbors. I love Karen Carpenter's solo album which was released 13 years after she left. 3 songs I posted are favorites. Also, you can watch her drumming/singing in 1968 when she was 18! (Amazing YouTube) I started my blog about 2 months ago, and on Saturdays, I post music. You can enjoy them with me and others. I put English words at the category on the left for you and other FS friends from other countries. (Maybe you can use "translate" function on right-click, if you use Google Chrome.) Thank you, and have a good Sunday. :) 
2022년 05월 15일 작성이: hobodon (호주부)
Thank you for the invitation! I will try to attend. Also, Karen/The Carpenters is a favorite and I look forward to seeing/hearing her records again on YouTube. Thank you for bringing this beautiful music back to me! Have fun going back to the office :-) 
2022년 05월 16일 작성이: LivinBreezy



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