Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2022년 03월 22일

Yesterday, I got in eight 8-oz bottles of water (64 oz, or almost 2 liters). I decreased my Diet Coke by drinking less than 2 liters again. In the exercise department ... wait for it ... I walked TWO miles! My knees were hurting and I walked very slowly, but I even did 1/2 mile of the walking outside in the beautiful 60 degree sunny day.

This morning, the scale was down lower than it has been for over a month. Each day, it has been up a little, down a little the next day, but the overall progress has been one pound. I'm actually down four pounds from the highest it got during that time.

Doing these mini-habits is not a "30 pounds in 30 days diet" - it is gradually changing the HABITS that drive my behaviors. Every day for nine days now, I have been having 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, eating on smaller plates to limit my portion sizes, cutting back tremendously on unhealthy snacks, getting in at least 8 cups of water, and cutting back on Diet Coke. All small steps, but all leading me in the right direction.

Those of you who have been around awhile and have seen my journey over these past three years know that walking two miles is quite a feat for me! My goal is not to keep increasing the distance I walk, but to become consistent in exercising. So far, so good!

I've got a busy day today, taking my mother-in-law to a doctor appointment, going to BJ's for groceries, having a 90-minute counseling call (geared toward setting boundaries with our adult children - PTL our 34-year-old son hasn't asked us for any money or to buy him anything in two full weeks!), and of course, my morning price monitoring jobs (which starts me off with my first 1/2 mile of walking). I'm planning ahead by taking four bottles of water with me and bringing my ear buds so I can listen to an audiobook while my MIL is at the doctor (I will wait in the car - lovely day for it).

Hope all of you likewise have a great day today!
114.5 kg 지금까지 감소한: 3.0 kg.    남은양: 46.4 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.
주 3.2 kg 감소하기

58명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

you go Debbie!!! 
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: buenitabishop
Small steps add up, especially when they're all in the right direction. You got this! 👍 
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: writingwyo
Well done Debbie, keep it up! 💜 
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: shirfleur 1
keep up the great work 👍  
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: MelissaRosRi
Yeah! 👏👏 
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: Javadali
Wow- sounds like you are making so much progress- congrats!!! All those small changes add up for sure- working on lots of these myself! 
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: REMCarter
If your knees are hurting can you try something lower impact... like stationary bike or swimming? Remember all that fruit is full of sugar and the diet soda provides nothing good as well. Good luck with the counseling because your "34 year old" son needs to put on his big boy pants and stand on his own two feet. You need to focus on you and treat yourself with kindness and less stressful triggers. Hang in there dear lady! 2HJ 
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: 2handedjam
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: CrystalJo74
Way to go Debbie!  
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: mbd121
I've never had a problem with the natural sugars in fresh fruit, and I generally eat at least two servings a day. Not have they ever kept me from losing weight. What triggers cravings for me are sugary processed foods and I think it may be the combination of sugars and fats that those contain. 
2022년 03월 22일 작성이: shirfleur 1



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