Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2022년 02월 5일

Good morning, FatSecret Land! I'm feeling a little bit more ambitious today than I generally do. Woke up to a MESS in the kitchen (from all of yesterday's birthday cooking). Got almost all of that cleaned up. My dishwasher has been broken for several months, but I wash the dishes by hand and then put them into the dishwasher to air dry. I completely filled it with clean dishes, but there were a few things that wouldn't fit. Going to go wash them after I post here.

I'm hoping I will get some more of the Christmas stuff put away today! I had hoped to have it done by my son's birthday (yesterday). So far, all I've done is to take all the ornaments off the tree and pack them up. Still have to actually take DOWN the tree and put away all the miscellaneous Christmas decorations and Fontanini Nativity set.

I've been in the mood for fruit lately. I bought a big bag of very large oranges the other day. They are a bit more tart than I would like, ideally, but they're sweeter than a grapefruit, at least. Today, they had Chiquita bananas at the store I went to for my morning jobs. The other store I usually go to only has Dole ones. My best friend was telling me last week about she thinks the Chiquita ones are much better, so I bought a couple. Had one in a bowl of Cheerios, and it was delicious. The Honeycrisp apples also looked very good today, so I got a couple of them. Last week, I got a couple of Asian Pears. At least I'm getting in SOME fruit. Vegetables aren't usually a problem getting in.

Car is still in the shop (again!) Hoping they'll get it truly fixed this time. I miss having my independence of being able to go wherever I want whenever I want to go. My husband has been very kind about taking me to do my morning jobs, though. His truck has a weird way you have to hold the key in order to get it to stop - so I can't drive that.

OK, on to dishes and then maybe some Christmas stuff. Hope you all have a great day!
114.4 kg 지금까지 감소한: 3.1 kg.    남은양: 46.4 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 잘 따르지 않음.
주 1.6 kg 증가하기

28명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Fresh fruit is the way to go. I don’t eat cake/cookies or anything processed because I blow up very quickly. It satisfies my sweet tooth and I can eat a ton of it all day long and never even clear 1000 calories. If you’re considering dropping pounds again, I would definitely recommend ditching the desserts and replacing 1 or 2 meals with unlimited fresh fruit. Easiest, painless weight loss ever. 
2022년 02월 5일 작성이: JustBananas
I've been eating fruit at lunch, and sometimes snacks. I love it and it tames the craving for sweets. I do miss chocolate but it isn't as hard now. Keep up the good work! 
2022년 02월 5일 작성이: dkavery
Hi there Debbie, I really loved reading your story of how you have gotten to now. I have gone through a lot of back and forwards, up and down, so to hear that I am not alone any more - I feel I am in good company! You also blessed me in saying that your desire is to bring glory to Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, I too have the same desire knowing that it is in Christ that we live and move and have our being. It's all about Him! I shall add you to my prayers.♥️♥️♥️ I love this comment you made here: I went totally hog-wild and pig-crazy! I have got to remember this one for sure!! I went totally hog-wild and pig-crazy, and shot back 
2022년 02월 6일 작성이: Mama Isabella
I love Asian Pears debbie I hope you get all your chores done, have a wonderful day.  
2022년 02월 6일 작성이: buenitabishop
Your fruit sounds yummy! I bought a couple Gala apples today at the store. I am marinating some shrimp right now - can't wait to eat those little yummies, too! 
2022년 02월 6일 작성이: 3dkids2
I'm with ya, girl! Everytime I think of food I'm trying to replace it with a thought about Jesus. Boy, I sure get to talk to him a lot this way and I'm lovin' it! Have a fantastic day and know I'll be thinking about you and supporting you throughout the day, and then I'll do it again tomorrow. :)  
2022년 02월 8일 작성이: Carlyjewel



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