Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2021년 06월 9일

Fasting day #39. After all that talking about the colonoscopy prep, my digestive system must have overheard, because yesterday (after weigh-in), I actually had a bowel movement! It had been 32 days since I had had one, and it was a nice, normal movement (with just a little oomphing). End result: down 1-1/2 pounds this morning! Hooray and praise the Lord! 208. Only 9 pounds left to lose before the challenge ends in 18 days.

These last six days have been wonderful! Down 1/2, down 1/2, down 1-1/2, down 1/2, down 1, down 1-1/2. But, as you'll remember, this came after five days of gaining and losing the same 1/2 pound. Never know what to expect on this wild roller coaster ride! I've been doing the same thing, whether it results in my losing or staying the same. I am learning "in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." I would LOVE to be able to check this lesson off the lesson plan, and move on to the How to be a Gracious and Humble Victor lesson!

My green beans are puny, but seem like they are going to yield at least "something." Maybe they are pacing themselves to coincide with my actually being able to EAT them, lol.

The pool continues to be a pain in the posterior. We have huge trees on either side of it, and the pollen is off the charts in Virginia this season, so LOTS of stuff falls into the pool. Even though we have a solar cover on it, there is about a 6" swath around the circumference it that is uncovered and everything falls into that space, and either floats on top or sinks to the bottom. Grandkids coming over at 10:30 this morning, so I guess I'll have to go out about 8:30 and vacuum it so it will be nice for them.

After losing 51 pounds so far this year, I'm starting to notice the weight loss. My neck doesn't look as fat. My stomach is still big, but it's big and "flat" instead of big and bulging. My pajamas are more comfortable. Little things, but they are very welcomed!
94.3 kg 지금까지 감소한: 23.1 kg.    남은양: 26.3 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 100%.
주 4.8 kg 감소하기

37명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Am happy for you. I wonder how strict I can be after this challenge is over. Someone had a picture of donuts several days ago, and all I could think of for 3 days was donuts. When I passed a donut shop, I wondered if I wasn't on the challenge, would I cram a half dozen in my mouth? I did go for 6 years, once upon a time without sweets. I'd like to do that again. My resolve is so fragile. Saw Dr. Gundry on TV last night. Would like to follow his plan. No sweets, wheat, oats, white potatoes, peanuts, cashews, etc. Even tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, etc have lectins so minimize those. 
2021년 06월 9일 작성이: Snowwhite100
2021년 06월 9일 작성이: ladytanker
"I am learning "in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." I would LOVE to be able to check this lesson off the lesson plan, and move on to the How to be a Gracious and Humble Victor lesson!" -- LMAO. I know that's right! At least you're way ahead of me! I appear to be stuck on the "in state of hunger, don't be a schmuck" lesson! According to the kids. What do they know. Excellent work! Let's go! 
2021년 06월 9일 작성이: jimmiepop
Alright Debbie!!!👍👏👏👏👏🌸🌺🌼 
2021년 06월 9일 작성이: Shrewdness
Happy for you!! 
2021년 06월 9일 작성이: LISfifty
32 days?! 
2021년 06월 10일 작성이: acomandr



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