Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2020년 08월 17일

Well, only lost a pound for the week. Even if I lost 1.5 pounds a week, it would STILL take me 40 (FORTY!) weeks to get down to 175. That's very discouraging. Ok let's think of something positive:

I'm actually LOSING weight (instead of GAINING it, as I had been for over a year); I have the support of all the kind folks here on FatSecret; I have the money to buy the Atkins bars and frozen Atkins meals that help me to be able to stick to my Keto WOE (not everyone can afford that); the doctors say it is best to lose no more than two pounds a week, so I'm within those parameters; if I lose the weight slowly, my skin won't wrinkle up as dramatically as if I lose the weight quickly; I'm not eating as much unhealthy things (like chips, ice cream, snack cakes) as I was eating before; losing weight slowly will make me more relatable to other's whose bodies work the same way.

Ok, that's about as much positivity as I can muster. Still a little disappointed with only a ONE-POUND loss as the reward for a whole week of 100% compliance.
107.0 kg 지금까지 감소한: 10.4 kg.    남은양: 39.0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 100%.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2020년 08월 17일:
1754 kcal 지방: 123.04g | 단백질: 105.24g | 탄수화물: 49.02g.   아침 식사: Eggland's Best Large Grade A Eggs, Oscar Mayer Center Cut Bacon, Morning Tea. 점심 식사: Member's Mark Whole Cashews with Sea Salt, Atkins Frozen Crustless Chicken Pot Pie. 저녁 식사: Member's Mark Whole Cashews with Sea Salt, Butter (Salted), Member's Mark Cooked Jumbo Shrimp. 간식/기타: Atkins Endulge Caramel Nut Chew Bar (MINUS Sugar Alcohol), Atkins Endulge Chocolate Coconut Bar (MINUS Sugar Alcohol), Atkins Endulge Caramel Nut Chew Bar (MINUS Sugar Alcohol). 더보기
3387 kcal 운동: 가사 - 30 분, 요리 - 30 분, TV 시청 - 4 시간   40 분, 운전 - 1 시간   31 분, 휴식 - 9 시간   49 분, 숙면 - 7 시간. 더보기
주 1.6 kg 증가하기

26명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Mine also said it would take me 40 weeks to get to goal. At first I wanted to head straight to my pb m&m's and console myself THEN I thought ok, 40 weeks is gonna come and go anyway, where do I want to be then. I skipped the candy. I also went back and looked at my past weight journey, there were weeks where I lost 1lb, sometimes more/less but the main thing was I hung in there! Full steam ahead!!!!! 
2020년 08월 17일 작성이: Rckc
Thanks, @Rckc - that was encouraging. 
2020년 08월 17일 작성이: Debbie Cousins
Ooooh Debbie, when the scale is not cooperating, look for non-scale victories. Your challenge has been really important to keeping me focused. Thank you. 
2020년 08월 17일 작성이: JovialJ
Yes, Deb have you taken any measurements lately? If not, you may want to now so that you can see differences when the scale doesn't budge. Have you taken any walks or drank your water? I'm just thinking of your weekly challenge goals! I think it's great that you stuck to your plan 100% - remember when you couldn't stick to it for a day? Well, you are doing great! 
2020년 08월 17일 작성이: ny_shelly
When you look at the big end goal it is very discouraging to think about how long it is going to take! Try and look at a weekly or monthly goal instead to not feel like you have forever to go, and to keep you positive and proud of your accomplishments!!! 4-8 lbs a month, or 1-2 lbs a week. Then you feel sooo good when you hit those little mini goals! Best wishes to you Debbie!! So proud of your continued effort the past couple weeks!! Keep it up 💪🏼💜 
2020년 08월 17일 작성이: PurpleAsh93
Love your positive statements even if you made yourself say them. Slow weight loss feels like a lot of work for not much results. I hope you are feeling better. 
2020년 08월 17일 작성이: Joelmel
I’ve been on my weight loss journey since March. I’ve lost 17 lbs in that time. I completely understand your frustrations. But better to be doing well and building better habits. 
2020년 08월 17일 작성이: RenH1980
Debbie, remember it sometimes drops in several pounds at a time. Just keep at whatever is working for you.  
2020년 08월 17일 작성이: wholefoodnut



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