FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 02월 27일

2013년 02월 27일의 체중기록 (저널항목 아님)
90.7 kg 지금까지 감소한: 38.6 kg.    남은양: 9.1 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2013년 02월 27일:
1596 kcal 지방: 86.51g | 단백질: 93.06g | 탄수화물: 116.46g.   아침 식사: Land o lakes butter, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal. 점심 식사: Cornbread, Hamburger, Carrots Canned, Wholly Guacamoles, Starkist Chunk Albacore. 저녁 식사: Ham, Land O Lakes Butter, Laughing Cow, Egg. 간식/기타: Dark Chocolate Almond Spread, Peanut butter, Goldrn Blend Schwans, Nostimo, Peanut Butter, Whole Wheat Bread. 더보기
2058 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기
주 1.1 kg 감소하기


woot woot 200 lb. Amazing Awesome. You rock. Yahooooooooooo 
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: sarahsmum
Thank you Isabel - you know I love my round numbers so yeah, yay :-) I'll be relying on y'all to remind me of this steady drop week after week if I ever hit another mind bending plateau. 
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: FullaBella
Well done Bella! Great loss, and you've hit 200!!! :) 
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: riocaz
That's 85 lb of 'stinkin thinkin' that you've lost. You are so doing this the right way this time.  
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: sarahsmum
You are almost in ONEDERLAND!!!!!!! 
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: jaime30024
@ Rio - thank you ~ you know, I was tempted to go out & change my 'goal' just to see the green or even blue line just once but then I saw @Isabel's message and it reminded me to stop being so silly. Yeah, I hope I'm getting it right this time. Goodbye stinkin' thinkin' - hello healthy eating skills and weight for the rest of my life. I saw on the news yesterday that 70 is the new 30 ... so ... I'd est I'd live to my 70's ((as the three generations of women in my family before me passed in their 70's)) but as I'm living and eating nothing like them, I may make it to 80's or 90's. Gosh, I hope the money holds out that much longer...LOL. Thank you both and thank you to all my FS friends who tolerate my rambling :-) 
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: FullaBella
@Jaime - yeah, almost~~ seems the scale is still being nice to me in effort to keep me coming back weekly. Maybe I'll set a brookstone catalog open to scales beside it to make it nervous ~ and it'll give a 3lb loss just to stay in good favor, LOL.  
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: FullaBella
Oh my gosh, you are such an inspiration! I just saw this post on the main page-85 pounds?!?! You are AMAZING! That took a lot of hard work and determination, good for you!  
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: CollyMP
@Colly - wow, main page? I went out there and looked but couldn't find myself. Dang, what's next? Googling myself? LOL. Thank you! This site makes it very easy ~ the tracking, information and support from other members.. this is the best. 
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: FullaBella
LOL-well it was there for a minute or two, at any rate, I saw it! Seriously, I read some of your journal, and...well I can SO relate. Relate to calculating how much is in the whole package so I could justify eating the whole package, relate to eating up to my calories just because I can. Well, I just totally see myself in some of the things you describe and I cannot tell you how much it helps and comforts me that someone else KNOWS WHAT IT'S LIKE. The support that the members here show to one another is absolutely mind-boggling. A friend asked me to support her and invited me here, and I just couldn't believe what a generous and caring community this is. I am so glad to be here, I think I'm ready to get my stuff together and do this thing! Thanks for posting the things you did-I know it was hard, so I want you to know that others are so grateful that you did, I for one do not feel so alone in my feelings. Colly 
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: CollyMP
@Colly - well, that's just great - I had my 15 mins of fame and I missed it. Darn!! LOL!! I'm glad you're here too. I just had one of those 'one of us, one of us' moments because MH always has me trim the crust off his PBsandwich and I was wondering what nutrients he may be sacrificing (and me gaining when I snack on those) ~ I couldn't find a thread about it here on FS but I found one of FitPal - it was hilarious. We all have funny thoughts - it's great to have place to share them :-) 
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: FullaBella
See you changed the name of your diet - wish we had a like button on here same as FB "like" 
2013년 02월 27일 작성이: sarahsmum
@Isabel - thank you!  
2013년 02월 28일 작성이: FullaBella



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