FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 01월 30일

Stepped on the scale this morning: 209. Down a pound from yesterday. On the heels of my self reflection journal yesterday, Joy shimmied about in the corner trying to get Doubt to 'cut loose and cheer.'

"Come on... remember what everyone wrote yesterday... now DANCE!'
'Oh... I don't know....'

"You can do this. Smile and shake your hips."
'Oh... uh...'

"Hey, how about THIS. How about you swap methods for a while. Record the weight LOSS on the first day and ENJOY it. Give any GAINS a 3 day waiting period. How about that? Hmmmm...."
'Oh.... okay... Deal!'

But just as Joy & Doubt linked hands and started to skip off into the sunshine, Judge Logic waded in and banged her gavel.

"Okay you two, settle down a second. Here's the way it's gonna be."

"YOU, Doubt, WILL start celebrating and recording every pound loss the day it happens."

"But YOU, Joy, will NOT be dragging Bella up the River Denial with this waiting period. Every pound lost and every pound gained will be recorded and addressed. Got it?"

Unison: "We got it!"

Definitely something to address indeed. Down another pound but even my undergarments are uncomfortable and those jeans I pulled on 2lbs and 4days ago were so tight I couldn't wear them comfortably today. I definitely had plenty of water yesterday - will go check my food diary for abnormally high sodium. Weird. Could just be my body fighting the 'slim concept'.

Regardless, this is for my very supportive and encouraging friends: EveryBody Dance Now. Oh, it's for me too!


94.8 kg 지금까지 감소한: 34.5 kg.    남은양: 13.2 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2013년 01월 30일:
1239 kcal 지방: 53.94g | 단백질: 121.95g | 탄수화물: 59.88g.   아침 식사: Egg White, Coffee, Hormel Black Label, Kraft 2% Swiss, Egg. 점심 식사: Wheat Angel Hair Pasta, Classico Four Cheese Alfredo, Schwan Jumbo Shrimp. 저녁 식사: Filet Mignon, Cottage Cheese. 간식/기타: Babybel gouda, Atkins Endulge, Peanut Butter. 더보기
2150 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기
주 3.2 kg 감소하기


WOW - I can see you from over the wall from ONEderland! You are so close now! 
2013년 01월 30일 작성이: HCB
Great!!!!! So very close to being under 200. Hip Hip Hooray for YOU! 
2013년 01월 30일 작성이: 2toofat
I was just looking at your weight history...you're definitly an inspiration for me! 
2013년 01월 30일 작성이: mntwinsfan
LOL on doubt and joy with their conversation with judge logic..and wow on the 76 pounds gone for ever...smiling for you...:O) 
2013년 01월 30일 작성이: BHA
Thanks everyone. Yep, 9more pounds and I maaaay just make it over that wall! 24 more pounds and I get to race a go-kart! 
2013년 01월 30일 작성이: FullaBella
Damned logic! He may have to send me to the "clink", I hate recording gains! It pains me terribly! Congrats on another one gone! 
2013년 01월 30일 작성이: RiverRes



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