FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 01월 2일

Day Twelve at Prison Plateau.

Emotions are mixed as the Stockholm Syndrome group attempts to placate the Chain Gang with the weak lament of 'at least we aren't gaining!'

The Fighting Rebels argue back 'fine, but this is defying all scientific logic.'

They're a sticky group and are already mumbling about breaking ranks and going over the wall. Have heard talk of intermittent fasting, carboydrate restrictions or protein overload.

One of the fringe groups wants to riot and suggests storming either the Pizza or Chinese food court.

So far the Trustees have maintained peace and continue to tap out SOS in morse code on the treadmill twice a day while trying to catch the eye of the hostage negotiation team.

"Ask the Sunbeam de Sade to release just TWO pounds in good faith, okay? You've given it a 25,000 calorie deficit already that justifies at least FIVE pounds and all you want right now is TWO! Otherwise, things could get crazy!"

For now the captives will just go out into general population and visit with the other inmates.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2013년 01월 2일:
1395 kcal 지방: 65.26g | 단백질: 68.22g | 탄수화물: 143.33g.   아침 식사: Dannon Light & Fit Greek, Coconut Oil, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal, Flax Seed, Schwans Blueberry, Coffee, Creamer. 점심 식사: Cucumber, Mushrooms, Cocktail Onions, Spinach, Tomato, Whole Kosher Pickle, Wheat Bun, Mustard, Kraft Fat Free Mayo, Kraft 2% Swiss Cheese, Kraft Fat Free Cheese, Hamburger Meat. 간식/기타: Weight Watcher String Cheese, Hillshire Deli Turkey, Stacy, Wholly Guacamole, Apple. 더보기
2263 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기


What???...you better keep an eye on those renagades...:O) 
2013년 01월 2일 작성이: BHA
Hang in there!!! 
2013년 01월 2일 작성이: jaime30024
Don't you just hate these standoffs? Like "who's gonna break first"? Just don't start fashioning shivs out of chocolate bars ;) 
2013년 01월 2일 작성이: evelyn64
You are worth the struggle. You can do it. You are in control. You are not defined by a number. Look at a different number...like inches lost. Muscle weighs more by takes up less room. You define success.  
2013년 01월 2일 작성이: nononamenono
"If you build it (and you have) they (2 lbs) will come"  
2013년 01월 2일 작성이: 2toofat
Oh my gosh! You made me laugh so hard that my children came to check on me! When you are not busy running the store, you should seriously consider being a writer, blogger, or something similar! You are truly gifted in the way your turn a phrase, paint a picture with words, and tell a story. For you, though. Your weight plateau. It sounds really odd, but this is what worked for me. I read it online when I plateaued about 2 months ago. Eat! The lady who wrote about it said she ate a bowl of ice cream. Not every day, but just one. She did it every time she plateaued. She likened it to convincing her body she was not starving it. I was told by someone who was losing weight with the help of a nutritionist that the body sometimes holds onto weight – especially when you are eating less than 1500 calories a day. You have done so well staying under 1600 calories - maybe your body is concerned that it is a permanent thing and might be holding on. I hesitate to recommend that you “cheat” because I know that you are making a change. But it may help kickstart your weight loss again.  
2013년 01월 2일 작성이: RiverRes
RiverRes suggests cycling - which does work for some folks. You have a "spike" day in which you est more calories - not a true cheat in what you choose to eat - just more calories. 
2013년 01월 2일 작성이: HCB
I like your writing style too! And yes, like Res and HCB said I spike/cheat/indulge whatever. I have been doing it for the past year and it has worked well up until the holidays. Anyway, good luck, I know how frustrating that is to stop dead in the path.  
2013년 01월 2일 작성이: posterchild66
FullaBella, I just love the way you write. You always make me smile, even when you're miserable! Love it! So, you're stuck? Check out my bio page about the whole indulgence thing. It works. I have it all written down in a (reasonably) easy to understand manner. :) It helped me tremendously after being stuck for months(!), and it's what I've been doing (when I've been doing what I'm supposed to).  
2013년 01월 3일 작성이: kingkeld
Hold back those fringe groups!!! Often you find a pause is when your body is readjusting - I have found that during this time I see changes in my body shape and my clothes get looser :) 
2013년 01월 3일 작성이: triaby
Very funny! Hang in there and keep up what you are doing - maybe an intermittent fast for just breakfast and lunch but it will eventually come off. Patience. I think most of my FS buddies have been where you are - including me. 
2013년 01월 3일 작성이: Neptunebch
Thank you all for the encouragement and ideas. Definitely taking these to thought and will report back with GREAT RESULTS soon. Must think positive as that's the only way I'll get there :-) 
2013년 01월 3일 작성이: FullaBella



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