FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 12월 19일

Operation Treadmill Day Three - Evening

20 mins - definitely doing better in the eve compared to mornings - as I lumbered my sweaty self to the shower I heard the bargaining commentary about 'not doing morning's' start but shut it off. I can do this. I can. 21 days to form a habit - one step at a time.

Still waiting for the endorphin rush. I had that once in my 30's when I had been walking outside in the country. I was lighter then - so maybe it'll come when more weight comes off. Or maybe it's because I was walking in cowboy boots.

I'll get there. I am still only doing 3.5 mph at peak but am thrilled I'm doing it. I feel fate or Murphy were testing. with me as I caught a cold Sunday for the first time in can't remember when that has now progressed to a bronchial infection. I'm a disgusting walking sniffling hacking vortex of ick. But I will not let this keep me off treadmill.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 12월 19일:
1403 kcal 지방: 40.61g | 단백질: 114.21g | 탄수화물: 174.39g.   아침 식사: Dannon Light & Fit Greek, Muesli, Creamer, Coffee. 점심 식사: Chicken California Blend Soup. 저녁 식사: Wheat Bread, Schwans Turkey Sausage, Tomato, Cheese Omlette. 간식/기타: Sobe Fuji Apple Pear, Weight Watcher String Cheese, Almonds 100, Apple, Schwans Mixed Berries, Newton Fat. 더보기
3574 kcal 운동: 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 1 시간, 휴식 - 2 시간, 책상 업무 - 5 시간, 앉아있기 - 5 시간, 스탠딩 - 2 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간, 걷기 (운동) - 5.5km/h - 1 시간. 더보기


You're doing so well! 3.5 mph is a LOT better than 0, right? :) You'll get there. It does take time to work up stamina and pace. So far you're doing much better than I. I feel that I'm at 0.  
2012년 12월 20일 작성이: kingkeld
You are doing great! At 4 MPH on my treadmill, I am at a "trot" (insert disturbing mental image of jiggling here) - 3.5 MPH is perfect. Remember our good moral teaching friends, the tortoise and the hare! 
2012년 12월 20일 작성이: RiverRes
Thanks Keld & Jess... I repeatedly tell myself it's all about being in better health for my old age and lowering my cholesterol and all those other 'not necessarily weight loss' reasons because if I allow myself to look af the 'calories burned' display box I'll think 'are you kidding me?' On a funny note while I know it's not possible. I've been pumping my arms and stretching reaching etc ((when I have my eyes open)) and last night it really looked like my batwings were a little smaller ... but I was still a little lightheaded. :/) 
2012년 12월 20일 작성이: FullaBella



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