FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 12월 9일

Oh I also have a new Mantra in addition to 'one day, one bite....' and that would be: I can HAVE whatever I want to eat. I don't WANT 'that' (high Cal high fat not good for my health) food. If I said it once I said it 1000 times this weekend (to my guest with the tray of foods I prefer not to eat for now)

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 12월 9일:
916 kcal 지방: 12.77g | 단백질: 78.88g | 탄수화물: 128.13g.   아침 식사: Apple, Chobani Greek Yogurt, Coffee. 점심 식사: String Cheese Weight Watchers, Chicken Spinach Soup. 저녁 식사: Crisps, Chicken Spinach Soup. 간식/기타: String Cheese Weight Watchers, Grapefruit, Muesli, Dannon Light Greek Yogurt. 더보기
2519 kcal 운동: 운전 - 2 시간, 숙면 - 22 시간. 더보기


Just saying "No" is so key, and knowing that you CAN have it if you WANT it plays tricks with the brain. Kinda removes that whole "rebel" aspect lol CHOOSING not to have something gives YOU the power over your brain. Kudos to you! :) 
2012년 12월 9일 작성이: angiekae68
Exactly! Thank you! I recently read a study linked to me by a good friend here at FS that explained how denying our desires continually eventually leads to being out of control period. Maybe that's what brings out the rebels. 
2012년 12월 9일 작성이: FullaBella
I think you're on to something with that mantra. I once had a doctor that said that the best exercise to lose weight was simply politely shaking your head while saying "no thanks". :) 
2012년 12월 10일 작성이: kingkeld
That's a good one Kingkeld. I'd also heard you could burn a lot of calories by 'pushing yourself away from the table'. 
2012년 12월 10일 작성이: FullaBella
I have a self compassion diet meditation CD; one of the phrases that sticks with me is "more and more, I am drawn to delicious, nutritious foods". I have said "no thanks" about a million times, and explained to my partner that I just don't care to eat an extra corn muffin or finish off the whatever or split a piece of whatever. It gets easier, becomes second nature. Plus, I've gotten familiar with the consequences of 'wanting' too much of foods that aren't the best for me! I don't deny the wants, just don't get carried away by them. Too often, lol. 
2012년 12월 10일 작성이: crabby Kat
I agree completely. I have made the supermarket my new favorite 'place' considering I had more fun THERE than I did the resort this weekend. My quest commented to me the reason 'she' cannot eat healthy is it is so boring. I responded 'not if you keep shopping and trying new things ~ I have a goal of finding a new, healthy nutritious food at least twice a month that I'll be able to enjoy and carry forward with me long after I reach goal weight. I've always said the mind is our most interesting playground and it's really fun retraining the way it looks at food now. 
2012년 12월 10일 작성이: FullaBella



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