2011년 10월 가입함

142.3 kg
지금까지 감소한: 27.6 kg

현재 체중
114.7 kg
성과: 주 2.7 kg 감소하기

목표 체중
81.6 kg
남은양: 33.1 kg
Hi Everyone!

I'm Johnelka and weight has always been an issue in my life. I feel like I was ALWAYS on a diet and with some success but nothing has ever yeilded a permanent result. I always gained back what I had lost and then some!

On August 2, 2011 I went to my doctor for a yearly physical. I got on the scale and it read 313.8 pounds! I can remember feeling disgusted, embarrased, and completely hopeless. I could see the concern in my doctors face when she suggested that I consider gastric bypass surgery. I bursted into tears right there in the office. Serious wake up call!

On that day I went COLD TURKEY from taking in about 8000 calories a day to a strict 1100 a day. I stopped drinking soda, cut out all fast food and I began making healthier choices. This time around, I decided not to diet but to make a permanent lifestyle change. I don't do well with deprivation at all so I don't deprive myself, ever.

Over the last 6 months I have learned a lot about how my body responds to different things. I am not following any particular diet, I just keep my calories to 1100 a day. I experiement A LOT...and I am discovering what works for me through trail and error.

I would be lying if I said it has been a easy... but it has been a wonderful experience so far. I attribute much of my success to this wonderful website and the accountability tools it offers. I still have about 50 pounds to go til I reach my goal weight... and even that may change as I get closer to my ideal size.

I really hope someone is encouraged to get healthy when they read this and my journal entries. It's do do-able when you make up your mind to do it. Life is sooo awesome... and it keeps on getting better!!


johnelka님의 체중기록


최근 잰 체중: 주 0.4 kg 증가하기 Up
최근 잰 체중: 주 1.0 kg 감소하기 Down
(팔로워들만 볼 수 있음)
UK cats
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.6 kg 감소하기 Down

johnelka님의 요리책

칼로리: 161kcal | 지방: 1.97g | 탄수화물: 33.76g | 단백질: 2.06g
Vinegar and Salt Sweet Potato Wedges
Sweet potato fries with a twist.
칼로리: 117kcal | 지방: 1.01g | 탄수화물: 12.45g | 단백질: 16.22g
Asian-style Chicken Salad
Simple chicken salad with an Asian twist.
칼로리: 233kcal | 지방: 15.20g | 탄수화물: 1.22g | 단백질: 21.63g
Turkey Mini Meatballs
Full of flavor mini turkey meatballs with onions, garlic, parmesan cheese and fresh basil.
칼로리: 80kcal | 지방: 6.98g | 탄수화물: 4.32g | 단백질: 1.36g
Zucchini Noodles
A great pasta substitute.
요리책 전체보기

johnelka님의 최근 음식 및 운동항목

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