br_e_co님의 저널, 2012년 05월 31일

Same workout as Sunday ...

30 seconds Swiss Ball Mountain Climbers
30 DB jumping jacks
15 DB dead lifts
2x12 One leg Romanian Deadlift w/DB rotation and row
15 DB pushups with feet on Swiss Ball w/row
30 DB seal jacks
15 dips w/leg raises

400 - 500 calorie burn on elliptical

Of course, hitting some golf balls ... last two rounds have been horrible ... had my irons bent 3 degrees flat ... hoping that is the cause of my ills, besides me just plain *sucking* at golf. ;) Have to blame it on ~something~ ...

Friday and Saturday will try to burn calories on elliptical and at the driving range ... a round on Sunday ... back to weights on Monday.

Haven't really been tracking food well ... probably settled into vacation mode way way way too early ... still ... summer is active ... with swimming, golf, yard work, etc. so keeping everything stable is easier ... refocus after vacation.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 05월 31일:
2033 kcal 지방: 97.07g | 단백질: 113.37g | 탄수화물: 181.75g.   아침 식사: Triple Berry Medley, Unsweetened Almond Milk, Greek Yogurt, Vanilla Isopure, Coffee. 점심 식사: Fuji Apple, Mojo Bar, Pork Chop Lean. 저녁 식사: McDonald's Small Fry, McChicken, McDonald's Daily Double. 간식/기타: Planters Roasted Peanut, Coffee Latte and Cream Bar, Peanut Chocolate, Mini Babybel Light Original, Grapes. 더보기
3018 kcal 운동: 웨이트 트레이닝 (적당한 무게) - 30 분, 정원 일 (원예) - 1 시간, 골프 (카트) - 2 시간, 운동 기계 (중간속도) - 45 분, 숙면 - 7 시간, 앉아있기 - 12 시간   45 분. 더보기


I have no idea what "irons bent 3* flat" means... But I'm sure you don't suck at golf and you can blame it on that ;-) As long as you watch what you eat, the logging part is not too important. I mean, don't forget about healthy eating too soon, but don't sweat it if you don't have time to log everything! I'm having a hard time these days to stay on track with food. My boyfriend eats a lot (he can afford it and actually lost weight lately so I feed him a bit more) and I know I cannot eat the same lol! But somehow my portions are getting bigger, fortunately it's only supper and the rest of the day is under control... Have a great day! 
2012년 05월 31일 작성이: barbabella
I think for me it's more snacking. My meals (mostly) aren't terrible (we're not counting my dinner the other night where I only ate chips - but hey, in the past I would have had chips and a that's a little better at least)...what the heck are seal jacks? And why am I afraid? 
2012년 05월 31일 작성이: sjcoray
@Anne ... i changed the * to "degrees" ... just a change to my irons that ~should~ help me make better contact with the ball ... i understand what you are saying about logging ... you and i have been on this since 2010, and after a few years of logging, you kind of know what your intake is for a day, as second nature. i do my best ... but i think after months and months of hard work, i subconsciously take a little "me" vacation from watching what i eat and working out ... for example, i normally would have been to the gym every day this week, but just only got there today. i may be a bad influence on others here ... yikes. @Steph ... too funny ... chips AND a dinner ... been there, ate that. and seal jacks, don't be afraid ... they are jumping jacks, but your arms are straight out in front of you, then you open them up to the side when you jump. i do both jj's and sj's with dumbbells(db) ... good cardio and strength training. try it, but you must bark like a seal when you count em out!  
2012년 05월 31일 작성이: br_e_co
:) sometimes when I'm having fun with the kids I coach (swimming) I make them bark like a dog and swim doggie paddle. And actually, those sound excrutiatingly tiring for my mayyyybeeee.... 
2012년 05월 31일 작성이: sjcoray



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