FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 11월 10일

Yesterday gave me gorgeous weather, safe travels, a day with my dear friend and great inspiring art. I call it a win.

A lot of walking as anticipated; I don't wear a pedometer so I'll just estimate it was around 97 million steps, lol. At least, it felt that way by the time I fell in bed last night on the heels of 12 hours on my feet Saturday.

No outdoor vendors to grab me by the nose and force food down my throat, yay. Grace and I shared brunch (a creme cheese danish) and a late lunch (club sandwich). Not exactly rabbit food


but not the latter here either:


And along with being mindful of my eating, I was mindful of my spending. Yay again. I did linger at one of the tents with gorgeous clothes but refused to listen to that voice that tries to tell me 'that $350 poncho is just what you need to change your life'. Then again, spending myself to 'homeless' would be a change, hmmm?

So great day. Came home and walked to the market with Mushy. I'm trying out a few of the Pinterest recipes for appetizers for Cutty's Memorial. So far, I'm at a fail. But that's why I'm trying them now instead of that day. Otherwise...I'd be all:


Reflecting on the poster below yielded few answers health and weight wise but I was able to begin my day this morning without the customary walk into the bathroom and glare at my body in profile. I did have some pain in my right leg after walking and standing for hours but a short break and I'd recover. Not so much a change from a year ago but two years ago I couldn't have walked and stood any length of time at all.


And finally, played around with this thought last night. Sometimes I feel like 'forget it' because this 'healthy mindful eating' is so time consuming - having to think about it, portions, nutrition, etc. In comparison, it 'feels' as if I never pay attention to food at all when I'm gaining. But in fall fairness, I probably do; even more; in that I just get consumed with the temptation and consumption. It just feels different. Convincing myself I'm 'starving' to justify a double cheeseburger and chocolate shake was just 'easier' than acknowledging I'm merely 'hungry' and will seek nutrition. Spinning reality.

So I'm going to stick with it. Try to keep the 'yeah, but' days to a minimum. Trudge ahead and hang on one day at a time.



12명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Dear Bella, I sooo love your mini videos and pics!! You are sooo creative! You probably walked off or stood off all the calories you ingested! Good luck with picking out the appetizers. There are so many great recipes. One day at a time works. Seems when a person gets used to "mindful eating" and logging, it gets harder to ignore long term "food splurging" and other behaviours that got us in the bad places and mindsets that really causes regret. Now I try to contain my food splurging by planning before and after an event. Whatever works!  
2014년 11월 10일 작성이: kattay
"Not so much a change from a year ago but two years ago I couldn't have walked and stood any length of time at all." Impressive!  
2014년 11월 10일 작성이: ChrisComedy
I got nothin', Bella. Nothin' but love...keep lovin' you - however that manifests for you today. 
2014년 11월 10일 작성이: Sweet Ce
It sounds like you had a great day and got lots of exercising in. I have been very mindful of my eating as well.. It can be so boring sometimes. lol I don't know that I could have resisted those clothes though..  
2014년 11월 11일 작성이: chattycathy1955
Yes. Yes. Yes. Life continues on, with some mindful moments and others not so much. I know I say this too much but I really enjoy the peek into your brain you give us ... makes me feel sane and not so very alone. 
2014년 11월 11일 작성이: madaboutmoose
A thought from my bible reading today: It is not enough to love what is good we must also hate what is bad.For when we do its appeal no longer tempts us. :) This is one of the principals I am using to retrain my thinking & I find that the more I finally get the sense of & *actually* put them into practice the more successful this journey is becoming for me!And believe it or not,the easier it feels altho it isnt easy,if you know what I mean. Bella you have been here quite sometime before I came along pioneering the way for those of us who would choose to follow in your path.How grateful we all are to you.Thru your journals we are able to learn from you :) I in no way would presume to know where you're coming from when you speak about the difficulties of maintaining, as I havent reached the point where you are yet. But I do hope you can find some aid in your journey *where ever*you happen to be,from my journals & comments,that make your travels not so heavy. :) 
2014년 11월 11일 작성이: myawethinTICself
You are so right again, my dear Angel! Mindfulness is time consuming but the time put into overeating and the consequences, at least in my case, don"t really compare. And as we've spoken before, I'm still hopeful that with time, it won't take so much time and will become second nature... our new healthier habit! xoxox 
2014년 11월 12일 작성이: Ruhu
What can I do today that I couldn't do a year ago? See my feet? Haha. Well, I can see MORE of them now. It is great to be able to do 'anything' better when you get older, than you could when you were younger. So glad that you are able to stand and walk a great deal better than last year. Quite an accomplishment! Glad you had a great day, Buddy! 
2014년 11월 12일 작성이: DairyKing
Ditto DK's words! :) 
2014년 11월 12일 작성이: myawethinTICself



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